The world is paying inter alia for its
hypocrisy. I always found it odd – to put it mildly – when the Russians are
invited to participate in any “memorial” service for the victims of the Second World
War. Yes, indeed, Russia suffered horrendously. Not only because of Adolf
Hitler. Joseph Stalin and his cronies had a lot to do with it. Stalin literally
annihilated the Red Army’s leadership before the war. It was Joseph
Stalin’s agreement with The Third Reich [known as the ״Molotov Ribbentrop
Agreement״] signed on 19th August 1939, that enabled Hitler to commence the attack
on Poland which brought about the war. It was the Red Army that attacked Poland
from the East, while the Wehrmacht attacked from the West. How “comfortable” it
is for the West to forget that the USSR commenced the war as Nazi Germany’s ally
and held half of Poland, and ended the war as “a party of the Allies controlling
all of Poland. And, no, USSR did not change sides “voluntarily”. It was Adolf
Hitler who “encouraged” the Russian to change sides when his army commenced
“Unternemen Barbarossa” on the 22nd June 1941.
This rewriting of History, not by
Pravda or Isvestia, but by the West, who gave legitimacy to Russia’s
“contribution” to the victory over the Axis led by the Nasiz is a demonstration
that Right cannot fight Might. The Soviet Union – usually - manipulated the West
to fight against cronies [Korea, Vietnam and the Vietcong, Cuba, etc.].
following the end of the Second World War, all experts assumed that Europe will
not see war. Almost, as if to reminiscent “War to End all Wars” [as H. G.
Wells’s book was titled] written after the First World War. Vladimir Putin led
the KGB office in Berlin during the Cold War. The West was blind as to the
personality, integrity and intentions of the Russian President. Such was the
blindness that the New Iran Agreement “nominated” Russia as the trustee to keep
and guard some of Iran’s uranium. This, after Russia offered Iran – in January,
an alternate venue for such energy, this with the knowledge of the USA.
The whole
West is against Russia. All western media is reporting about the invasion of
Ukraine and condemning Russia. Sanctions are imposed, and President Biden
assumes that this will stop Russia. It will not. Well, why did the West not stop
Russia when its army invaded Crimea? I just love listening to Russia’s Foreign
Minister, Sergey Lavrov, condemning the lack of democracy in Ukraine. The fact
that Russia is the major supporter of Assad, or an ally of Iran, seems to be
irrelevant. How similar his explanations are to those of Joseph Goebbels when
“explaining” the problems of Germans in “Sudetland”.
On 4th December 2021, the
Washington Post published a news item according to which Russia is planning to
attack Ukraine by the beginning of the year. So, because Ukraine did not make it
yet to Nato [may I assume that the delay was initiated by someone in the West,
so Nato will not be obligated to save Ukraine from what all intelligence agencies
knew was coming]. Putin knows the mentality of the West much better than the
West knows the mentality of Putin. All he needs is time. He knows that as long
as the West does not initiate military actions against Russia, he has nothing to
worry about. No economic sanctions will help. While Biden was announcing the almost
meaningless [yes, meaningless] sanctions against Russia, the president of
Pakistan Arif Alvi paid a formal visit to Moscow. China will not condemn
Moscow’s initiative. Many countries will continue normal relationships with
Russia. Putin knows that in the near future the West will “come down”. Frictions
will deepen for one reason [energy] or another [wheat]. Like a person who was
told he has cancer. He is shocked at the beginning, but then goes on with normal
life. So will the West behave.
And the Western Media is at fault as well. Why
did all of them broadcast a statement and Q&R with Alexander Lukashenko, the
president of Belarus? Did he have to add anything? Someone whose intellectual
abilities reaches the level of wood? Does he have any influence? Of course not.
The West media offers him recognition. That is all he needs. The fact remains that all the West’s efforts, the ‘blitz’ of condemnations, the sanctions, and the
help that was offered to Ukraine did not have the expected results. Kyiv is
devastated. A Pariah is winning against a hopeless West. And not for the first
time. It is true that secret agencies annihilate enemies. USSR was known to kill
critics of its leaders, even overseas. One of the more infamous “liquidations
Russian style” outside the USSR, was the killing of Leon Trotsky who exiled himself
from Russia to Coyaocan - Mexico. He was murdered there by NKVD’s agents on 20th
August 1940. He was shot. But the murder of Alexander Litvinenko in November
2006, was not “just another liquidation” by Putin [He did use the “regular
methods” many a time within Russia - the name of the Journalist Anna
Politkovskaya murdered in 2006 comes to mind]. He created a precedent after
World War 2.
In the centre of London [a hotel in Grosvenor Square – adjacent to the US Embassy in London], he actually used a radioactive weapon to kill
someone who became an English citizen. Many more could have been killed in case
of an accident. Is any party in Russia facing the consequences of what might
have caused a massive calamity in The Court of St. James? Did Her majesty’s
government take any actions? No. A simple “no”.
Yes, I know. Nazi Germany won at
the outset of World War 2 and lost [once decided to invade Russia]. It was not
economic sanctions and condemnations that brought victory. It was military
might. Putin is no different. And for President Biden to make this stunning
statement that the west will not fight the Russian in Ukraine, not even leaving
Putin in doubt, is clumsiness at its highest degree. King Solomon wrote in
Proverbs, “and good news makes the bones fat”. Jewish interpretation of this
statement reads, “nothing is marrier than clarifying of doubts”. Why did Biden
clear the doubts? Why did he not – at least – have the Russian fear the unknown?
And President Biden was no alone. Mr. James Heappey the Minister of Armed Forces
in Her Majesty’s Government made the same confirmation in the House of Common.
Even a ”no-fly zone” was - according to him - an impossibility to enforce above
Ukraine. The West is crippled. It will not even mislead Moscow as to its
abilities. The fact that Russia made it to Kyiv, the fact that Putin will only
fall by insiders [and he will] – not by the West - like Nikita Khrushchev on
14th October 1964 - is another demonstration.
America cannot be trusted. The
happenings in Ukraine should serve as a major caveat to Israel, when the West
signs the new agreement with Iran [until now, not a word about reconsidering
Russia as a trustee according to this agreement]. It justifies the vote of no
confidence in the USA by so many countries in the Arab world in general and the
Middle East in particular History testifies. Many agreements and unqualified
statements made or signed by the USA were followed by embarrassing failures.
North Korea is still around; Following the Nobel Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger
and Le Duc Tho “for jointly having negotiated a cease-fire in Vietnam in 1973”,
America literally fled through the roof of the American Embassy in Saigon;
President Jimmy Carter’s assurances that “The Shah is a rock of stability,
months before the latter fled Taharah; or president Biden’s assurances that
Taliban will not take over Kabul. The rest is history.
Let us remember the past so we do not repeat it in the future.