יום שישי, 27 בינואר 2017

The president of the United States

The president of the United States is a sophisticated individual, he knows how to chose his words, he’s a man who desires to amend his past mistakes. His first term of office was not blessed with a deep understanding of the Middle East. His unfortunate speech at Cairo university did not reflect depth not withstanding his - what I considered a desperate - demonstration in knowledge of Islam and the importance of the sidakka. During his visit to the Middle East he then ignored Israel. 

Unfortunately this attitude created a snowball of tensions between the president and the prime minister of Israel, who does not recall the pendulum the US foreign policy vis a vis Amarica’s most important ally in the US - Hussein Mubarak.
The success of the US in stopping the bloodshed in Syria is not the most glorified page in this country’s policy. No depth is required for anyone to understand that the US is acting almost like Chamberlin in it’s approach to Iran and the existence of North Korea which inter alia also testifies to the restriction and inabilities of the UN.

What had become “the student's speech” in Jerusalem should have been foreseen when the organizers in purpose resolved to exclude those students who might be politically leaning to the right. Thus for example representatives of the university of Ariel (located beyond 67 borders) were not allowed to participate in this event. The president did not speak in the Knesset as he wished to speak to the people over the hands of the politicians, over the hand of the prime minister. A very impressive thinking. However did he speak “to the people” or to the selected ones who would say “Amen”, those selected with care by the US embassy? 

The president did not wish to speak to the Knesset as many in this house would find some of his remarks disagreeable. Alas, the president knows that the Knesset represents precisely the thinking of his adversaries, not “the selected students” by the embassy. The most distinguished hall was inflated by the embassy with students leaning to the left. The bravodo, screams of approval whenever the president mentioned the need of a Palestinian state and the criticism of the settlement justifies the above statement.

And the president was wrong and frankly I am not sure he understands the Middle East. President Obama deviated from the screamed speech in order to share with the audience a meeting he held with 15 years old Arab boys near Ramallah. The president stated his confidence that if the Israeli parents of this Jewish students listeners met these Palestinians boys these parents would want to see these boys successful in life. I agree whole heartily; however the president should ask himself if there’s reciprocity, would the parents of these Palestinian boys want to see these Jewish students successful, regretfully many would not.

Let us see how much hatred against the Palestinians is taught in schools in Israel or in the schools in the settlements. None. On the other hand what is the level of hated in Palestinian school both in Gaza and in the West Banks. 

Does the president know for example that in schools around the Palestinians autonomy they teach the "Protocols the Elders of Zion". The president calls for penalizing settlers harming Palestinians. I wholeheartedly agree. But I still find a distinction between uprooting an olive tree ( an infuriating event) and slaughtering a whole family, or verifying a death of a slaughtered toddler by shooting him from close range to his head. The president should indeed challenge the question, are the settlement actually the obstacle to peace? I invite the president to find out how many Palestinians would like a two state solution. 

Abu Abbas - who until today did not withdraw from his “research” denying the holocaust - or did he listen to Jibril who suggested that one state for Jews and Palestinians should suffice. such thinking was recently expressed in the NY times and the Economist. The president substantiated his speech by quoting many Israeli leaders, alas referring to the minister Netanyahu, the president simply called upon the students to pressure its leaders as its leaders would not make peace unless pressured by them. I wonder why a similar statement was not made in Ramallah? Prime Minister Netanyahu, in variance to his political principles agreed to a two state solution and welcomed an immediate opening of direct negotiations. What declarations were heard from Abu Abbas that contained a hint of his desire to reach an understanding that sends any encouraging message to Israel. The right to return to pray the 1967 Israel? The demand of release of children murderers?

Barack Obama

What the president fails to understand is the difference in approaches to the Palestinian - Israeli conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinian Arabs. Israel fears terror. We do not run away from it we fight it, we do not hate the Palestinians. I as a believing Jew who likes history, submit to you that if the Palestinians will have a high standard of living it will positively effect the entire region, even Israel. Political chaos adjacent to the boundaries of a political entity will always "pour out". 

Thailand learned a bitter lesson during the civil war in Cambodia; Cambodia itself had to go through a bitter lecture during the war in Vietnam. Israel was exposed to problems during the civil war in Lebanon, Pakistan pays a bitter price due to the political chaos in Afghanistan. The Palestinian does not fear Israeli terror, he is not threatened by a group of settlers invading his home and slaughtering his children, he simply hates the Jews. Many want Arab continuity all the way to the sea. All the president needs to do is to listen not only to the men in the street, even to their leaders. Arafat following his meetings with Yitzchak Rabin and his vague declarations of recognizing Israel called for a jihad against that country.

The president is right. Peace is the most important aim but it does not begin with the freezing settlements and it does not begin with criticizing the settlers and not mentioning the human animals who blow up buses in centers of cities. It begins with education, education, education. It begins by not teaching the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It begins by not encouraging four years old to desire to by Shahid and kill Jews. It begins by telling the truth. By not denying the importance of the wailing wall or the Tomb of Rachel for the Jews. Shakespeare once wrote "to thy own self be true the rest will follow like night the day''. Maimonides was more accurate by stating ''act trustfully because it is the truth and good will finally come''. 

This is what the Palestinians should study. But if the emphasis will be on the uprooted trees (outrageous act) necessitating severe punishment, but ignoring slaughtering children, if the emphasis is on the extension of settlement and not on the recognition of the state of Israel, if people fail to appreciate the catastrophic result to Israel by implementing the right of return then there’s a serious problem of emphasis.

Israel released terrorists, Israel agreed to a two state solution, Bibi even froze constructions in the west Bank. Do remind me what gesture was offered by the Palestinians? You do not know? Interesting! Neither do I, neither does the president.

Not all is negative. Israel has a debt of gratitude to Barack Obama for many things. The cooperation in many aspects between the government of the US and Israel under the baton of Barrack Obama is definitely a very impressing page. As an Israeli I am so grateful - but this should be remembered.

In the legal field we are accustomed to state "justice should not only be done but should also be seen''. In International relations, diplomacy should reflect the same principle. Fair diplomacy should not only be executed but also be seen as we have learned ''life and death are in the tongue''. So the president was a most welcomed guest in Israel and all of us should know how to say thank you. But his students speech disappointed me. But if he is as sorry as I am, let this be ''half a condolence'' - hardly.

Zalli Jaffe

החייל והמשפט ובגבול שביניהם - 09 בינואר 2017

החייל והמשפט ובגבול שביניהם

כלל גדול למדנו אצל עולם המשפט. ״צדק צריך להיעשות – אבל צדק צריך גם להראות״. הנחת עבודה זו נכונה לא רק אצל עולם המשפט אלא אף ברבדים שונים של עולם העשייה, ובמיוחד בעולם העשייה הפוליטי והמדיני. כך למשל כאשר הבטיח מי שהיה לימים ראש הממשלה [ואחד הגרועים שבהם] טרם היציאה מלבנון כי צהל יוצא בצורה מסודרת וחלילה אין מדובר בנסיגה, הבינו אויבנו מבחוץ ואף מרבית מהאוכלוסין במדינת ישראל כי מדובר היה בבריחה. חשובה מאוד הייתה הבנתו של האויב מבחוץ, כי הוא חשב שהניצחון הנו שלו. וחשיבתו של כבוד שר ביטחון דאז וטענתו כי לא היה מדובר בנסיגה, לא רק שלא הייתה אמינה כלפי האויב, גם איש בישראל לא האמין בו. לכבוד השר לא הייתה תכנית, אף לא פתרון [כשנפגש מר ברק עם ראש הרשות הפלסטינית יאסר ערפאת בארצות הברית והציע לו ״הכל״ אבל ממש ״הכל״, הראיס לא קיבל. כי הבין שעומד לפניו אדם חסר חוט שדרה, חסר תכנית מדינית. ב״מנהיג״ כזה יש לזלזל, לא לקחת אותו ברצינות. אז הוויכוח היחידי בין שני המנהיגים היה מי ייכנס ראשון לחדר האוכל.

הגם שלאריאל שרון הייתה תכנית בפנותו את סיני, התכנית קרסה לחלוטין כפי שקרסה התכנית לפנות את עזה.  תכנית איין. מסר לאויב יש. ואין זה משנה מה התכוון המנהיג בישראל למסור. משנה מאוד מה הוא המסר אותו הבין האויב.

משפטו של אלאור אזריה אינו משפט פשוט. פסק הדין נחרץ. ומה הוא המסר שנמסר לחייל? אולי המשפטנים שבינינו – ממש אולי – יכולים להבין את ההבדל בין ערבי תם לב או בין חייל שנשבה על ידי כוחותינו [עליו חלה אמנת ג׳נבה המתייחסת לשבויי מלחמה], ובין מחבל [עליו לא חלה האמנה] שדקות לפני שנורה בראשו עוד דקר את חברו לפלוגה של אלאור. האם באמת יכול החייל הפשוט לעשות את ההבחנה בעודו ב״הלם הקרב״? בעודו עומד אל מול פני האימה? בעודו עד לאשר עשה המחבל לחברו?

אלאור אזריה
דובר צ.ה.ל. העיד אמש בהודעה שמסר כי לא הייתה עדות לכך שחיילים נמנעו מלירות במחבל שהרג מצוערי צ.ה.ל. בטיילת בירושלים בשל ״אימת תקדים אזריה״. טוב התנסח הדובר. לא הייתה עדות – כך התנסח. אבל הבה נבין. מצלמות הטלוויזיה העידו על נסיגה המונית של צוערים בפני המשאית. איני חושב שצוערי צ.ה.ל. היו חוששים לירות במשאית [איש מנושאי הנשק לא ברח מהטרקטורים שפעלו בירושלים והרגו עוברי אורח, או מהמכוניות שדהרו אל תחנות האוטובוסים]. אז נושאי הנשק בקורס קצינים ייסוגו? קביעה בלתי הגיונית. אני מציע מהר מאוד לצ.ה.ל. לבדוק האם הבריחה לא הייתה מהמחבל או מתוצאת השימוש בנשק באם ייהרג המחבל. אין טעם לפרשנויות של מומחים או לקביעות משפטיות. יש לשאול את הצוער במקום מה הייתה הרגשתו, בצדק או שלא בצדק.

חייל אינו יכול להיות משפטן. ומעבר לכלי הנשק ותרמיל אין החייל יכול לשאת עם ציודו גם עורך דין צמוד. חייל אינו אמור לפחד להשתמש בנשקו בשל האיום המשפטי. ועל המחבל הבא לדעת את זה.

אני מציע לכנסת ישראל לחוקק חוק גורף. חייל שהשתמש בנשקו והרג מחבל גם אם בשל שיקול מוטעה, לא יועמד לדין. כמובן שניתן לחוקק את החוק באופן שלא יתיר שימוש זדוני בנשק, שלא יאפשר שימוש בנשק כלפי אזרחים חפים מפשע. אבל בטעות שיקול דעת היא נחלתו של כל חייל, ואין לו לא לחייל ואף לא לקצין את האפשרות לשקול בכל עת את ״הניתוח המשפטי״. זה לא ניתן, זה לא סביר. יחוקק החוק, יפורסם כדין, וידע המחבל הבא מה הסיכון האורב לפתחו. שלא יהין לחשוב - ואני בטוח שהוא עושה זאת היום – כי החייל הישראלי לא יפעיל נשק כי הוא מפחד מההליך המשפטי תוצאת מעשהו או ממצלמתו של איש ״בצלם״ או מגרסת איש השובר שתיקה. יחשוב המחבל וידע כי חייו אינם שווים את ההיסוס. ואם סכין לו למחבל או אבן או נשק במטרה לפגוע, ״דמו בראשו״, גם אם בטעות נורה.

זלי יפה

Letter to NY Times - Jan 1st 2017

Letter to NY Times - Jan 1st 2017

I have listened carefully to secretary Kerry's speech about Israel, read the UN resolution about Israel, and the UN resolution about Syria. If this is not hypocrisy, then I do not what hypocrisy is. 

As was the custom of the US under President Obama, this administration betrayed friends. No, it did not start with Israel. President Mubarak in Egypt. The groups fighting Assad, you will be surprised what King Abdallah thinks of the president. The Saudis feel betrayed by Obama. 

Talking about principles? Really? Waiting 6 weeks after the commencement of the civil war in Syria for president Obama to make a statement? Or supporting governments in whose country slavery is welcomed? Kerry is introducing a plan? Was he such a good Secretary of State? He should be trusted to know what he is doing? Really? was he so successful in the Ukraine? How well did he do in Syria? How did the US influence the Arab spring [or what was left of it]? Iran and Afghanistan? North Korea? And frankly, Iran. Even according to Kerry, Teheran is still the world leading supporter of terror. The US can do nothing about it. 

John Kerry
As for the values preached by Mr. Kerry, this presentation is a grave economization of the truth. Just read the last chapters of Peter Frankopan’s latest book “The Silk Road”. These values were not considered when Iraq used chemicals against Iran or against the Kurds, these values have meaningless consideration when it comes to the last UN resolution about Syria and the betrayal of the rebels in Syria. Values? Mr. Kerry? What values?

Was the speech one-sided? Mostly. Secretary Kerry thinks the leadership in Ramallah aims for peace. Is this why the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are studied in schools there?  Is this why terrorists are idolized by both the man in the street and the leadership?

Kerry spoke about the refugees. What about the Jewish refugees that were forced out of the Arab world? Did he mention the Arab leaders' "promotion" in 1948 to Palestinians to leave and come back with the Arab tanks? Or President Nasser's famous interview to a newspaper in Zurich in which he said that the Arabs need the refugees as an ammunition?

Settlements are the obstacles? Utter nonsense. Israel vacated cities and villages for peace.  In Sinai, in Gaza. It can do it again. In a week. You cannot uproot the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in a month or a year or more, or the hate preached to children and adults in Mosques around “Palestine”. 

Arabs have to suffer under military rules. That is true. Did Secretary Kerry mention how many Arabs are treated in Israeli hospitals [yes, including children from Gaza]?  Palestinians working in Jewish enterprises in The West Bank make more money than in any other establishment. Palestinians study in Ariel University and get recognized university degrees. Can you see a Jew just walking to Bir Zeit? Judging Israel? But not mentioning Israel’s contribution to the Arab man in the street? Kerry does not know that?  He did not see the Syrian children in Israeli hospitals? 

Mr.  Kerry forgot that Ehud Barak offered Arafat everything. Literally everything. The latter did not agree. Ehud Olmert tried to, Abbas refused. The problem is not the settlements. It is the educations Palestinian get in schools, the stunning speeches in the mosques.

The truth of the matter since the end of World War One, US Foreign policy success is very embarrassing. Kerry proved it again in his speech. He once asked "What do they think.  We are idiots"? In a year’s time I will let him answer his own question.

Zalli Jaffe

יום שלישי, 24 בינואר 2017

Letter to the Financial Times - 15 December 2016

Dear Sir;

Indeed, for every balcony built in the West Bank by an Israeli settler, the world goes out of its way. Israel is committing war crimes, so universities call for boycotts, shops are encouraged not to sell products manufactured by Israeli entities in the West Bank [the only place where a Palestinians could hope of making an honorable income – but the “pure hypocrites” do not care.

The Russians, the Hezbollah, Bashar Assad – of whom we heard in the past, that he will face charges of crimes against humanity – are killing, mass raping and destroying a city after city. People commit suicide to avoid being captured, tortured or raped by Assad’s solders, and Militias originated in Hezbollah. Yes, he world “talks” and does nothing. The US was humiliated in Syria [as they were in Ira and Afghanistan].

That is because the West "have" standards.

To itself, to Extremism, notwithstanding outrageous crimes, and Israel.

Does the world have a conscious? No, it does not. Let the academia in England criticise Israel, not let Israelis speak in Campus. What about the killed children in Syrah? The raped women? Nothing.

Annoying? Very. It coincides with the fact that the only democracy in the world not being visited by The Queen is Israel, and with so much discrimination when reporting about Israel [Do you know how many Israelis are treated in Palestinian Hospitals? Do you know how many Palestinians are treated in Israeli Hospitals [yes, even from Gaza]? You do not know, because nobody reports it.

A Palestinian terrorist  being treated

Today, I am very proud to be an Israeli. I am ashamed to belong to the Western morality.

Zalli Jaffe