יום שלישי, 25 ביוני 2013

A Short Memory – The PLO

The Editor
The Sunday Times

Henry Kissenger wrote in one of his articles that “it is not often that nations learn from the past, even rarer that they draw the correct conclusions from it”. I am referring to the new attitude of the Israeli government towards the PLO.

The real PLO was exposed once again for all to witness, when the later continuously and unconditionally supported Saddam Hussein during the crisis in the Gulf. Arafat’s opinion of the Jews [“may their ancestors be cursed… with whom I shall settle the account in the future”]… was broadcasted on CNN on 11th February 1992. Abba Eban once said of this organization “The PLO never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity”. The PLO was the greatest power behind world terrorism behind world terrorism in the history of mankind. Julian Baker once stated, “To speak about international terrorism without mentioning the PLO is like speaking of the blood circulation without mentioning the heart”. The PLO “invented” the war against the airline passengers, against innocent bystanders, shoppers and school children. It abused international law; supported all the wrong elements in international politics, be it the Chinese leadership further to the Tiananmen Square massacre; Iran, during the US embassy crisis; Libya; or the “Arab Dr. No” [Saddam – according to Newsweek]. All this should be considered when this entity to be received as an equal partner in the international community? Indeed, Secretary of State, James Baker, when testifying to the Foreign Relation Committee of the US Senate on 7th February, 1991, stated that “the PLO… in supporting Saddam Hussein made the wrong choice”. And so, according to John Bollach and Harvey Morris confirmed that Washington also “decided that no matter what happened, the old guard of the PLO would never again be a party to negotiation.” According to the Economist of 8th February, 1991 the Palestinians themselves were approaching similar conclusions regarding Yassir Arafat. The PLO does not have to be, and should not be a crucial player in this juncture. This is, notwithstanding the assumed support to the PLO within the West Bank and Gaza, which support cannot be challenged for fear of death.

It is true that Israel made peace with Germany after the Second World War. The first German ambassador to Israel to present his credentials to President Zalman Shazar was an ex-serviceman. Yet Germany of today differs from Germany of yesterday [dispite some ugly reminders to the contrary]. The PLO was and still remains a disputed entity, with each dissenting party representing the interest of another Arab or Muslim country, with one thing in common; the heart of international terrorism.

The PLO is severely divided. Such divisions, if realized in the West Bank and Gaza, will convert the area to a second Lebanon. Israel cannot expose itself to more instability “next door” to another version of the introduction to Black September to a “second Lebanon”. The PLO’s conflicts with Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and the URA should lead all Arab leaders in the area to agree that for the sake of peace US’s understanding that “the old guard of the PLO would never be a party to any negotiations” stands as a pillar of stability and reliability.

Alas, the confusion begins not in the USA or Europe but in Israel. And if members of the government are supporting a different approach to the PLO, the later has won. It will support the Hezbollah in Lebanon, it will shell the north of Israel, it will be responsible for violent actions in the West Bank and Gaza and Israel will offer its credibility. Why should they amend? They do not. Israel does.

23 August 1993

מלחמה בנהג הישראלי

מכתבים למערכת
"שמונה עשר איש נהרגו בשבוע שעבר בתאונת דרכים". מן הידועות שאינן צריכות ראיה הינה כשלונה הטרגי של מדינת ישראל ב"מלחמה בתאונות דרכים"ץ התיאורים מסמרי השער על תוצאותיהן של תאונות, המספרים מרקיעי השחקים של ההורגים והפצועים, הנזקים הנאמדים במליארדי ש"ח מדי שנה, כל אלו לא יכלו לו לנהג הישראלי. "לי זה לא יקרה" – כך הוא והוא ממשיך להשתולל, להרוג ולההרוס. עוד נמצאנו למדים כי נופף נכבד מאצל זה הכשלון הינו הסברתי – הרתעתי.
ראשיתה של טעות הינה בהנחה כי מלחמה לנו בתאונות הדרכים. חפץ חשוד כי יתפוצץ בטבורה של עיר אינו יעד למאבק. ההרג וההרס כי יגרם בעטיו של אותו פיצוץ אינו אתגר למלחמה ולנצחון. האוייב הינו אותו שהניח את החפץ. העקרון אינו שונה אצל תאונות הדרכים. תאונות הדרכים אינן "האוייב מספר 1 של מדינת ישראל." בתואר המפוקפק נושא נהג הישראלי. וכשם אנו נלחמים בכל ארגון טרור, גם אם טרם שלח ידו במעשה אלים, כך חבים אנו להלחם כנגד אותו נהג רשלן, הובר על החוק במצח נחושה, עוד טרם שיגרום למותו של "הבא בתור".
אומנם כן, לא הרי מחבל שבל כוונתו הינה לגרום להרג וחורבן כהרי הנהג המשתולל שאין לו ולמחשבת זדון ולא כלום, שהלא "לי זה לא יקרה". ואולם, הגם שאין הנהג מבקש לפגוע, הוא מבקש לפעול באופן שיש בו על מנת לגרום לפגיעה. לא הייתה לו לאותו נהג בן חי שנים לוא ותק של שלוש חודשי נהיגה כל כוונה להרוג את האחים התאומים בני ארבע ששחקו לתומם על המדרכה בשכנות לביתם. אך הייתה לו ככונה לנהוג כצטורף. וחזקה על כל נהג כי עליו לדעת כי כל נסיעה בניגוד לחוק הינה סכנת נפשות.
צא ולמד, שודד ואשר כל מטרתו הינה להנות מרכוש לא לו, והיה כי יהרוג במהלך בצוע השוד יואשם ברצח, הגם שלא לדיני נפשות התכוון. ומדוע יהא מעמדו של הנהג הנוסע במהירות מסחררת שונה? השודד ביקש לעבור על החוק בכך ששדד. הנהג ביקש לעבור על החוק בכך שנהג שלא כדין. שני אלה סכנו חיי חפים מפשע. אלא מאי? מוסכמה חברתית הינה כי שוד הינה עברה חמורה, ונסיעה בניגוד לחוק – לא כן. ומדוע? חשופים אנו לסכנה מאצל הנהג הישראלי יתר מאשר אצל חברו השודד.
הוא שאמרנו, מלחמה לנו – אזרחי ישראל – בעצמנו, נהגי ישראל. לו היו אותם נהגים המשתמשים במכשיר לגלוי מכ"ם [ובכך מודים כי בכוונתם לעבור על החוק] כי המצאות זה המכשיר ברשותם יביא לשלילת רשיונם, לו היה אות נהג הטס במהירות של מאה ושלושים קמ"ש ידוע כי יאבד לעד את רשיונו, לו ידע העוקף במקום אסור או החוצה רמזור המהבהב באדמותו כי לעולם ישב על יד הנהג, לו היה כל נהג פזיז משלם חמש מאות ש"ח בגינו של כל קילומטר מעל המהירות המותרת, לו ידע הנהג הישראלי כי אם נהג שלא כדין והזיק אף למכוניתו, לא יזכה לשפוי מחברת הבטוח, היו הכל חושבים פעמיים ושלול.
אמת, במדינות אחרות לא מחמירים כל כך עם האוחשים בהגה, אך במדינות אחרות לא נהרגים מספר רב כל כך, [יחסית ומוחלט] של אזרחים, לא נפצעים מאות מדי חודש ולא נגרמים נזקים במיליארדי שקלים מדי שנה.
אנו חייבים להחלם בעצמנ. אותם שיכשלו, יורדו מהכביש, בכך נמצמצם את גייסות האוייב מספר 1, נקהה את הסכנה. הכל יהנו מהבטוחון ויגיעו הביתה בשלום.
אם נצליח במלחמה נגד הנהג הישראלי, לא נזקק למלחמה באתונות הדרכים.
זלי יפה,
27 אוקטובר 1993

Letter to the Editor -Financial Times July 1993

The Editor
Financial Times,

Your article Lesson for Israel published yesterday calls for an explanation. Lebanon should be responsible to curb the Hezbollah. Alas, Lebanon being a “subsidiary” of Syria allows it a free hand. Your article speculates that Israel’s activities will compromise the peace talks. Syria, the most important negotiator with Israel is actively supporting the Hezbollah. To talk peace on the one hand and to terrorize the north of Israel on the other hand is simply unacceptable. And if Lebanon cannot curb the terrorists and Syria does not want to, Israel is left with no alternative but to “do the job” itself.

Comparing the situation to Bosnia is an unjust statement. Muslims in Bosnia had no choice but to flee, just because they were Muslim. [Yes, they fled, inter alia to Israel, not to England]. The Lebanese have a choice. The Hezbollah like any other entity cannot survive within hostile population. Terrorism against Israel flourishes because it is supported by the Shia inhabitants of South Lebanon. Let the Government of Lebanon clean its’ back yard. Let the inhabitants of South Lebanon express their hostility to the terrorist group. Israel will welcome these inhabitants back.

No Israeli is pleased with these mass evacuations. It is unfortunately the lesser of two evils, which alternative can be solved by Syria and Lebanon.

28th July, 1993

שולמית אלוני - 1992

פרנסיס פוקוימה בסופרו "ההסטוריה והאדם האחרון" מצביע על העובדה שהעולם צועד לעבר החופש. שמנם של המשטרים הטוטליטריים מגיע לקיצו, וסוף ההסטוריה פירושה, השתלטות החופש, הדמוקרטיה והליברליזם, דוגמת המערב. והנה מצאנו כי כל מדינה מערבית, ליברלית, דמוקרטית, מצביע בגאון על אמונתה באלוקים. לא בהיחבה, אלה בריש גלי. החוק על ארגנטינה, כמן גם זן של מקסיקו [שם קיימת הפרדה תחוקתית בין דת ומדינה] "מצדיעות" לאלוקים כראשית דבר. כך גם החוקה של קנדה וזו של צרפת. ההימנון הבריטי פותח במילים "א-ל נוצר את המלכה", ארצות הברית שרה "א-לוהים שמור על אמריקה" ועל המבטע האמרקאי מוצהר "על א-לוהים נסמוך".
ישראל חושבת אחרת. זה היה עוד בתקופה שהסוציאליזם שלט בכפיה. [כאן נציין כי טעה מר יעקב אחי – מאיר בהסבירו כי "צור ישראל" המנוי אצל הפתיחה למגילת העצמאות מכוון לאלוקי ישראל. המונח "צור ישראל" הוסף כנופח של פשרה. אלה [מפ"מ] אמרו בצה"ל עסקינן, ואלה [הדתיים] אמרו באלוקי ישראל עסקינן]. ואם העולם כולו התקדם, וא-לוהים חזר לשלוט בכיפה גם במדינותה מזרח אירופה, אצלנו יש שרת חינוך החיה עדיין בתקופה האפלה. אשה המתיימרת ליצג את נאור והמודרני אינה מבינה שהיא שייכת אינטלקטואלית ורגשית לאפלים שבמשטרים, לפרימיטויים שבחושבים. לכן, דוקא שרת החינוך של מדינת ישראל חושבת שיש למחוק מתפילת ה"יזכור" את שם א-לוהים. על שולמית אלוני יאמר כי עשתה את הדת "קרגום לחפור בה,". ואולם, בנוגחה את הנושאים הרגישים ביותר לעמך ישראל מועלת היא באמון שניתן לה. לא בממלכתיות עוסקת היא אלא בביר השוכפין של הפוליטיקה הישראלית, בעשותה שמות בכל המקודש לנו, לרבות חללי ישראל.

האויב הגדול מכולם

אונס היא האפלה בעברות הפליליות. קשה היא משוד ואכזרית היא מרצח.  לעתים קרובות הקורבן אינו מוכר כלל לתוקף.  בעוד אשר ברצח מדובר במעשה נמהר (ואין הדבר בא חלילה להצדיק את המעשה) הרי שאונס אינו יכול להיתבצע בהינף יד. קיים המאבק, הבכי, התחינה, והאנס אטום הלב ממשיך בשלו. הנרצח, נשמתו עדן.  הנאנסת נרצחה נפשית אך ממשיכה לסבול כל חייה. אין לך אכזרית מזו העברה, ואין לך עברה נטולת סליחה הימנה.

אני יודע שאנחנו חושבים שאנו חברה מתוקנת. אני גם יודע ש״הומניזם ״ זה דבר חשוב.  ודמוקרטיה וחופש הדיבור, אין קדוש מהם.  אבל לכל גבולין. שאם לא נגביל את הדמוקרטיה, נהרוס את הדמוקרטיה באמצעות הדמוקרטיה. שאם ההומניזם ימנע מאיתנו מלהלחם מלחמת חורמה באלימות, יתרום ההומניזם להתמוטטות עצמותו.

אזי נכון שישנם הסולדים  מעונש מוות. גם אני. זה עונש שאין להשיבו. זה עונש המוטל על הפושע ועל משפחתו שלא פשעה. זה עונש קשה. אבל נראה שעונשים אחרים אין בם די. אנחנו מדינה מבליגה. כמובן כשמדובר בפושע ״כוכב״ אנו מחמירים את עונשו (קצב) אבל האנס המצוי אינו מתרשם. הוא גם חושב ״לי זה לא יקרה״. לא יתפסו אותו. ומה רע לו לאותו סודאני שאין לו מה לאכול, החי בחרפת רעב בחדרון מצניח בתחנה המרכזית בדרום תל אביב לאחר שצעד מסודן לארץ הקודש? הכלא הינו בית מלון. יוכל הוא לאכול. יקבל בגדי אסיר, מיטה, קור בקייץ, חום בחורף, שעות בידור. והכל כי ״אנס״. חירות? נו באמת. הוא אפילו לא יודע לכתוב את המילה לא בעברית ולא בערבית.

הגיע הזמן למלחמת חורמה בפשע.  ומלחמת חורמה פירושו עונש מוות לאנסים (במקרים מסויימים).  מלחמת חורמה פירושו לחייב נהג שטס במהירות מופרזת באלף ש״ח עבור כל קילומטר מעל המהירות המותרת. מלחמת חורמה. הינה לצמצם את גייסות האוייב הפנימי. לשלול רשיונות נהיגה. שישב החוטא לעולם על יד הנהג.

אבל בכך לא די. יש להבין את מקור הפשע.  האווירה המתירה לפשע ״לחגוג״.  מי מעודד את הפשע? מי ״המוכר״ את הפשע. מדוע מחלחל הפשע למרות מאמציה של המשטרה. למרות מאבקה העיקש  של הפרקליטות?

יש ״כלי מחזיק ברכה״ שהכל חפצים ביקרו. הכל  ניגשים אליו והשפעתו נחרצת. אכן, והיה כי יבקש מאן דהוא למכור מרכולתו, יעשה זאת באמצעות ״פרסומת״. והפרסומת בטלוויזיה הינה חשובה. הטלוויזיה נגישה לכל והיא משפיעה על הכל. המשווק מבין זאת, המפרסם מבין זאת, וככל שהפרסומת יעילה יותר, מרשימה יותר, היא גם תשפיעה יותר.  שהלא, כל מי שמכיר את ׳ההיסטוריה של תחום הפרסומת הטלויזיונית׳ יעיד כי זו תחילתה בארצות הברית. ואולם, עת החלה זו לבצבץ מאצל המכשיר  השחור  לבן,  פורסם ספרו רב המכר של Vance Packard ״המשכנעים הסמויים״. (The Hidden Persuaders) ובו מתריע המחבר על סכנת ההשפעה החברתית של הפרסומת.  אבל נראה שהממונים על  תחנות הטלוויזיה השונות ״דעתם קצרה״.  משום מה הם חושבים. כי פרסומת על המסך הקטן, תשפיעה.  אבל מסרים אחרים, לא ישפיעו.   על מה ולמה  משודר סרט אלים למשל?  מדוע משדרת תחנה זו א אחרת סרט רויי סצינות   מין? ברור שתחנת טלוויזיה שתשדר רק סדרת טלוויזיה על התרבות הסינית של לפני מלחמת האזרחים תזכה לרמת צפיה עניה במיוחד. על מנת להבטיח אחוז צופים  גבוה ככל האפשר יש ״לספק את היצר״. סרטי מתח, סרטי מין. גם הפרסומת וגם הסרט מספק יצר. והיצרים רבים הם. והשאלה היא מה הינה תרומת המספקים את היצר  לרמת הפשיעה בישראל?  צפיה בסרט אלים אין לה השפעה? רק הפרסומת משפיעה? מי שמאמין בכך עושה שקר בנפשו.

אז מה דעתכם אם מדינת ישראל תיקח חופש של שבועיים מסרטים אלימים ומסיצנות מין?  מה דעתכם ששבועיים ימים נצפה בקומדיות משעשעות, סרטי איכות,? ועל מנת למנוע תחרות בלתי הוגנת  יתחייבו כל התחנות ״לצנזור עצמי״ של שבועיים.  מה דעתכם שבאותם שבועיים  ישדרו בטלוויזיה מדי יום דקה אחת של תמונה מבית לווינשטיין למשל. כן, כן, פרסומת שלילית לתאונות הדרכים. שהלא כל מלחמה נדרשת להסברה. וכאן הסברה לא תדון ב״מה יכול להיות״, אלא במה באמת יהיה. מה דעתכם למשל שכנסת ישראל תפסיק כל דיון אחר לשבוע ימים ותתמקד בדיון על האלימות ופתרונה. תיקון לחוק העונשים ולפקודת התעבורה, מסיבת עיתונאים בה תודיע הפרקליטות על מדיניות חדשה.

מה דעתכם לשנות את החוק על מנת לאפשר ממשטרה ולפרקליטות ככימאי נחרצים יותר במלחמה בפשע המאורגן. מלחמה בשדידת הקרקעות בגליל ובנגב ממנה מעלימה הממשלה ענין לעת הזאת. שיהא כלי על מנת שיהא בול הפחיד את ראשי הפשע. שהבריוןנןת לא תשתלם. לא איני מציע לחוקק חוקים דוגמת סעודיה, אבל הראיה היא שהמצב המשפטי דהיום אינו מספק את הכלים הדרושים.

מה דעתכם שבמעשה חקיקה ייאסר על חברי הכנסת שימוש במונחים מסויימים ועל הפרת זה החוק לא יחול חוק החסינות? מה דעתכם להעביר קורס למחוקקים על דרכו של דיון ויהא כואב ככל שיהיה. כי אין שווה לו לנזק החברתי בעוד הצופה עד לתרבות דיון של ביב השופכין. לא צריך להסכים עם האחר. צריך לדעת איך לא להסכים.

ואי אפשר לעשות זאת צעד אחר צעד. צריך להיערך לעשיית הכל בחבילה אחת. להכריז על אותם שבועיים במהרה   ולצאת לדרך. כולנו צריכים לתרום לכך. האזרח המחפש את  היצר, רשתות הטלוויזיה המחפשות לספק את היצר, הרשויות במסר חד וחלק בכל תחום בעת ובעונה אחת והרשות המחוקקת. שהלא ״דברי חכמים בנחת נשמעים״.

תנו לרגע לחלחל. תנו לשלווה וליחסי האנוש את הפרסומת המגעת להם. תנו לנו לחיות.

זלי יפה


The presence of disunity about the method ... among the nation's people, about the rightness of the war aims, makes it impossible for a war of any duration to be
fought effectively and won 2
This conclusion, arrived at by the distinguished historian Barbara Tuchman, properly defines the delicate position of the State of Israel. The nation is divided in its approach to security and foreign relations. A single political party cannot entertain a stable majority in the Knesset to ensure political support for policies, subscribed to, by same party. Moreover, notwithstanding a political party's ability to form a government in partnership with other parties, it is wrong to assume that such a government based on a coalition, ignores the opinion of a distinguished minority in the Knesset.
We should not underestimate Israel's international position. However, most important is unity amongst the people of Israel. The "stability" of the political map "in the middle" challenges any one of the two leading political parties in their efforts to implement a defined policy. It is the cause of Israel's inability to initiate policies, and the greatest of all political risks facing Israel. Whereas the left suggests "territory for peace"3 the right claims "peace for peace", and Israel is left in the wilderness.
To the above, we must add the following unfortunate consideration. Some citizens of the State of Israel, even elected officials in the Knesset often fail to appreciate the appropriate norms and limitations in exercising democracy. When a group of politicians wish to challenge a government's policy, lobbying in the Knesset is legal; voting against the government is appropriate; why, even demonstrations must be allowed. Yet, in some instances, Israeli politicians, failing in the above methods, took the liberty of approaching the Oval Office or the Department of State, trying to induce the latter to embrace a policy, and press the Government of Israel to adopt a similar course, notwithstanding the fact that same scheme was not supported by the majority of Israelis, as voiced in a general election. This is not a just expression of democracy. Indeed, it is properly a distortion of proper political conduct. But it exists, in our midst. Members of the labor party "lobbied" against a Likud led government; members of the Likud are trying to compromise the policies adopted by the labor led government.
Israel's international position is vulnerable. Indeed, on the one hand Israel maintains diplomatic relations with more countries it ever did in its short history
[inclusive of countries, never to recognize Israel in the past like The People Republic of China or countries that recognized Israel de facto but not the jure, India. On the other hand Israel's unique position as an ally will deteriorate, as the cold war and the superpowers' tension crashed to point zero. The superpowers' interests in supporting states around the globe is declining. The division of the world into influenced zones which was imposed after the second world war has come to an end. The world should be facing international peace4. Even the war in the gulf did not challenge the basic of the euphoria. We should not underestimate the danger of the tensions in the Baltic or the new commonwealth. Neither should we ignore the tension in some parts of the third world. We must therefore try and solve the conflict in the Middle East and deviate attentions to the tension in other parts of the world.
Moreover, delaying peace process in the Middle East will by itself, become an incentive to hostile Arab rulers to attract non conventional armament experts who became unemployed in the ex-USSR. In addition, members in what was the Warsaw Pact, inclusive of the former Soviet Union might be encouraged to sell their available non conventional armaments with the hope of contributing to those countries shattered economies. In other words, the answer to the question Who is the mideast Pillar? analyzed by George Will5 will not be as vital in the future as it was in the past.
In addition, attention should be paid to the growing gap within the Jewish Communities around the world. The Bush administration in Washington, succeeded in establishing a wedge within the American Jewish community. The latter does not constantly unite behind the State of Israel, the deeper the gap within the Jewish community in the USA, the weaker Israel's position is in Washington. Paul Kennedy, in his brilliant book The Rise and fall of the Great powers, when referring to the USA-lsraeli "special" relations, writes, inter alia, ''towards which, a powerfully organized domestic lobby presses for unflinching support for an isolated but militarily efficient Israef'6. It seems that this "domestic lobby" will not be as influential in the future as it was in the past. Consequently, the relationship between Washington and Jerusalem will deteriorate to the point, familiar to the Israelis, when searching for the junction of the French-lsraeli relation, in the days, prior to the 1967 Six Days War. In any event these relationship limited Israel's liberty to conduct foreign policy to the best of its judgement“. The euphoria developed due to the war in the Gulf ended shortly after the termination of hostilities. Relation improved only when President George Bush's Presidential election campaign took an alarming dive. Indeed, the change of government in Israel helped Israel's image7, but this should not be looked upon as a new wave. Israel is yet to face more pressure as soon as Washington will settle down back to business. Prime Minister Shamir was not the first Israeli prime Minister to be challenge by American pressure. Prime Minister's Rabin relation with President Ford new very hostile moments.
In gross variance to the policies adopted by previous governments in Israel, Prime Minister Rabin's government has taken a new, totally unfamiliar venue. A daring policy, necessitating the adoption of unpopular moves and revoking promises made to the most dedicated of supporters. Such unfamiliar venues which consequences are always irreversible are to be researched carefully. Indeed, the warnings of Paul Johnson should be brought to the attention of the Israeli leadership. Mr. Johonson
When we are working on a problem, in science or anything else, we form a hypothesis and then endeavor to verify it empirically. Human nature being what it is, if the hypothesis is exciting in embodying a new and important truth, or if it accords with our preconceived ideas, we tend to look eagerly for evidence which supports it, and to ignore or brush aside evidence which doesn't fit. Worse still, if negative evidence thrusts itself on us, we brazenly modify the theory to accommodate it, instead of bravely admitting the hypothesis is false and starting
all over again
Moreover; he who does not remember the past is condemed to releave it. In his book, Hitler and Stalin, Parallel lives8, Alan Bullock analyses the policies adopted by the United States and Great Britain in regard to Russia. Notwithstanding the fact that the Second World War would have been a different war, if not for the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement, Stalin led the Western powers to agree to the division of Europe. Poland - because of whom, England and France declared war on Germany, and on whose account the abovementioned agreement was signed, was left to become a Russian satellite. Stalin succeeded where Hitler failed. Lord Bullock writes, inter alia,
This [forming Popular Democratic Fronts - SZJ] was soon extended to East Germany as the german Democratic Republic, and for the next forty years, punctuated by the Hungarian revolt of 1956 and the Czech of 1968, Central and Eastern Europe was governed by satellite regimes of the Soviet Union, a Stalinist order in place of the earlier, imposed on them by Hitler and the Nazis.8A
Henry Kissinger explains.
Stalin possessed no conceptual apparatus to enable him to forgo territory on behalf of goodwill, or "objective" reality for the mood of the moment. Therefore, he was bound to propose to his democratic Allies the same arrangements that he asked Hitler a year earlier ... [Stalin] would take from each temporary partner whatever was possible through diplomacy, and seize by force whatever had not
been granted to him freely - as long as he could do so without risking war
The above, with the West acquiescence and blessing. Indeed, England surranded Poland to Soviet rule notwithstanding the fact that His mejesty's government knew that Poland will suffer as much under the red army as it deed under the Wehrmacht. Indeed Churchill acknowledged that the German revelations about the mass murder of 5,000 Polish officers by the Russians in Katyn in the spring of 1943 were true8c. He was even discussing with Stalin the latter's undertakings to keep Poland a democracy9.
The United States and England proved to lack proper foreign policy. They succeeded when military operations was the instrument [Germany] and failed when diplomacy was called for [Russia]. Indeed, Maksim Litvinov who served as USSR's foreign minister before Vyacheslav Molotov "told reporters [in 1944] that Stalin had imperial designs on Eastern Europe and wondered aloud why the West did not intervene"9* This, notwithstanding the fact that Churchill "never put [Katyn] out of his mind"9A1.
[Anthony] Eden has received harsh treatment from historianns, but he had a keener eye than Churchill when it came to seeing into the future. In 1941 he warned that at the end of the war the Soviet would want to keep their gains from their pact with Hitler, and that since their armies would have played the major part in defeating the Nazis, they would be in a position ti take what they wanted; all the western allies coulds do was to acquiesce now, in the hope if restraining Soviet appetite later. As early as this it was clear that appeasement of the Germans
would be followed by appeasement of the Soviet Union.
Stalin demonstrated his intentions in Potsdam, where Truman and Churchill surrounded Poland to the USSR in consideration for unkept promises. Inter alia, "once again free elections for Poland were promised for the immediate future [by Stalin - SZJ] but not then held96" Whereas President Truman failed to challenge the task of Soviet hegemony, his predecessor refused to recognize its potential threat.
He Rejected the idea that a total defeat of Germany might create a vacuum,
which victorious Soviet Union might then try to fill
Amazing as it may sound, this phenomenal scheme was repeated through the pages of the twentieth century.
The agreement with Stalin was indeed humiliating.
A formal agreement on the mutual repatriation of Soviet and American solders and civilians was drawn up and signed at Yalta in february 1945. Although nothing in the agreement required American and British commanders to forcibly repatriate Soviet citizens against their will, the Soviet insisted on it and the Western allies complied, shiping trainload after trainload of former prisoners of war back to the Soviet Union. A special organization for repatriation of Soviet prisoners had been
set up under the Sovnarkom ...
These prisoners became Stalin's prisoners upon their return to the Sovuet union.
Korea10. Barbara Tuchmanu elaborated on Mao Zedong's and Zhou Enlai's request to come to Washington in order to negotiate an agreement with the USA. The request was held back by Ambassador Patrick J. Hurley, "one of the big 'ifs'"12 was what would have happened, if "the massage had been duly forwarded to the 'highest officials'"13. Mrs Tuchman concludes that
It is conceivable that there might have been no korean War"14.
Indeed, contrary to US's understanding
We know today that soon after winning its civil war, Communist China came to consider the Soviet Union as the most serious threat to its independence14*.
Cuba1S. The USa had a "clear" one sided policy in regard to Cuba, as Gaddis Smith writes;
Although keeping Cuba out of the hands of a strong and hostile power was one of
the oldest objectives of American foreign policy

Letter to the editor, The Financial Times - 24th August 1991

Dear Sir,

It is in time of world crisis that you judge people who claim to be leaders of nations. However, if these leaders constantly adopt views in variance to the standards acceptable to the civilized world, are they not denying themselves the right of recognition? Are the leaders of the "Western" world not obliged to deny such recognition in the present, so not to face humiliation in the future? It seems that the leadership of the Palestinian people (be it the PLO or the Hamas) is constantly supporting the wrong side, ignoring International justice, supporting cruelty and instability. In other words, the "Palestinian Leadership" as, they claim to be, is supportive of cruelty, anarchy and all that is not valued by the civilized world. In August, and all through the crises in the Gulf, it was the PLO and Hamas who have supported Saddam Hussein, in an ugly demonstration of ungratefulness towards Kuwait, a pillar of support of the Palestinian People. During the attempted coup in the Soviet Union, did it support the "committee of eight", together with such individuals as Saddam Hussein and Muamar Kaddafi. Only two days after the returning to power (?) of Michael Gurbachev did Arafat proclaim that he too belongs to the civilized world. Let the world remember with whom it is dealing, and act accordingly. The "good guys" did make mistakes in the past, let us not repeat them.

Zalli Jaffe.

Letter to the Editor, July, 1993

The Editor
Financial Times
Your article Lesson for Israel published yesterday calls for an explanation. Lebanon should be responsible to curb the Hezbollah. Alas, Lebanon being a “subsidiary” of Syria allows it a free hand. Your article speculates that Israel’s activities will compromise the peace talks. Syria, the most important negotiator with Israel is actively supporting the Hezbollah. To talk peace on the one hand, and to terrorize the north of Israel on the other, is simply unacceptable. If Lebanon cannot curb the terrorists and Syria does not want to, Israel is left with no alternative to “do the job” itself.
Comparing the situation in Bosnia is an unjust statement. Muslims in Bosnia had no choice but to flee, just because they were Muslim [and yes, they fled, inter alia to Israel and not the United Kingdom]. The Lebanese have a choice. The Hezbollah, like any other entity cannot survive with hostile population. Terrorism against Israel flourishes because it is supported by the Shia inhabitants of South Lebanon. Let the government of Lebanon clean its back yard. Let the inhabitants of South Lebanon express their hostility to the terrorist group. Israel will welcome these inhabitants back.
No Israeli is pleased with these mass evacuations. It is unfortunately the lesser of two evils, which alternative can be solved by Syria and Lebanon.

Zalli Jaffe,
28th July 1993

A partnership?

Since the State of Israel was established, a unique formula of partnership was composed between the Jewish people residing in the Diaspora and the State of Israel. We, in Israel, shed blood, sweat and tears. Our partners support us, financially, but more so, with unconditional political backing.
It is therefore agreed that Jewish leaders in the Diaspora offer their opinions, reservations and disagreements. The final word – however – must be reserved for the governemtn of Israel, the latter, duly elected by the people of Israel. It is the noble duty of every Jewish Leader to support and unite with Israel when abroad. Criticize its policies – when in Israel.
When a Jewish leader declines to attend a solidarity conference in protest against the government’s policy, he also propagates support to our enemies.
Barbara Tuchman, in her last book, offered the following historical conclusion. “The presence of disunity…about method of strategy and among the nation’s people, about the rightness of the war aims, makes it impossible for a war of any duration to be fought effectively and won”.
When a nation demonstrates its disunity, when leaders of same nation will not speak to one another [Sir I. Berlin decided not to attend the conference, as he finds speaking to Prime Minister Shamir, useless], when “the presence of disunity” is demonstrated to the world, what other conclusions can be derived, but the impossibility to fight a war
“of any duration”?
The invitation to attend the conference did not necessitate a support to a defined policy. Why, the conference was initiated by both the Likud and the Labor party [who do not see eye to eye in foreign policy – to put it mildly]. Jewish leaders were called upon to come to Israel in tehse most difficult days, to demonstrate their solidarity with the State of Israel. My country, right or wrong. And some honorable leaders of British Jewry – in protest – deny Israel this demonstration of support; declaring to the world that Jewish solidarity can be compromised. That the State of Israel is exposed to a new front. “The Jewish Front”.
I will not decline from going to the army, notwithstanding reservations I might have in regard to defense policies. Nor will I refrain from paying taxes, if I disagree with a tax law. Jewish leaders were obliged to come to Israel and unite with us, when called to do so, regardless of their disagreements with the government.
These leaders failure to do so – in protest – is a challenge to our partnership. If we adopt the same policy and will refuse to go to the army, we will bring about the destruction of the State of Israel. I am bound to go to the army when called. Jewish leaders are bound to come to Israel when called. I have no right to refuse. Neither do they.
The empty chair of every Jewish leader is a victory for our enemies. These leaders have acted in gross variance to the interest of the State of Israel, and frankly to the interests of world Jewry. What did Mordechai tell Esther? “For if though altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but…”.
The damage is done, it is our duty to amend. As a great leader once said, “united we stand, divided we fall. Divided we bring back the dark ages, united we keep and guard the world”.

World leaders can also be mislead

Two countries were invaded by strong neighbors. Iraq made every possible mistake in public relations invaded Kuwait, a country, treasured by the West for its wealth and petroleum. Syria invaded a country ruled by anarchy and civil war, Lebanon. who cares?
The world reacted militarily to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.(It did not respond in a similar  way to protect the Kurds in the North or the Shiite in the South. The late ethnic groups lack power, money and petroleum). Syria's invasion was "forgotten".
Did Germany sign an agreement with the newly installed government in Lebanon, just as Nazi Germany signed an agreement with Austria at the eve of the  Anschluss?  Lebanon lost its sovereignty to Syria. And as Lord Lloyd of Dolobran, the British High Commissioner of Egypt wrote,  "To tell a country she is independent while you keep an army of occupation is only a contradiction in terms but a fraud" (quoted in ZUES, by Keith Kyle).Assad succeeded in this maneuver, diverting world's attention from Lebanon (first stage in the implementation of the policy of "Greater Syria") by confusing all with a qualified, conditional, vague "yes" to James Baker's initiative.
Why did the world decline to accept Kuwait's puppet government in Kuwait, ruled by Saddam which government called for the "merging" of Kuwait with Iraq, and is welcoming the puppet government in Lebanon ruled by Assad?
Why is James Baker ready to negotiate with the world's greatest supporter of international terrorism, whilst Americans, Britons and others are held in Lebanon, by groups influenced by Syria?
On what basis does the US offer political credit to a ruler whose record of civil rights is a contempt to the civilized world?
Why is Assad accorded niceties while Manuel Noriega is in jail, in Miami, after being ousted by the USA? After all Assad's involvement in international drug trafficking (from Lebanon, with the help of his brother Rifat) is no less destructive and involves no less amount of Dollars then the business conducted by Noriega.
Assad succeeded in Lebanon where Sadam failed in Kuwait, as the former is a master  in deception and Washington champions naivete.
In his new book HITLER AND STALIN PARALLEL LIVES, Allen Bullock points at a conclusion Hitler "drew from his Viennese days. One was the ease with which the masses could be manipulated by skillful propaganda". Assad understood better. World leaders can also be misled. And there is always Israel to pay for it all.

24th July, 1991

letter to the Editor March 1990

The Editor
The Jerusalem Post
Fax: 537527
A petition is being signed by Arab citizens residing in Israel against the immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel.
This brings about another consideration regarding the establishment of a Palestinian State. Among other risks there is a new challenge facing Israel when wishing to gamble with the idea of a Palestinian State. The risk being that the West Bank is the "first stage" as has been defined by Abu Iyed further to the Algiers summit. How? There is a distinguished Arab minority residing in pre-1967 Israel. Some Israeli Arabs strongly supported and identified with the Intifada. A small minority adopted "national violence" in the name of the Palestinian cause. Where lays the danger?
Prior to the annihilation of Czechoslovakia, the Third Reich demanded that the Sudetenland be annexed to Greater Germany  and so unite the Sudeten German with their brothers. The advocates of "appeasement" -by then supported by the media and public opinion were blind to reality. Lord Ruciman was sent to Czechoslovakia to observe and report. With his lordship's report in his pocket, Neville Chamberlain accompanied by Eduard Daladier signed on 29th September 1938, the infamous Munich Agreement. President Benes gave in and resigned. Herr Hitler promised “no more territorial demands”. It took six months. On 15th March 1939, Czechoslovakia was proclaimed a protectorate of the Third Reich. England did nothing, neither did France.
Many came to Israel to play the role of Lord Ranciman. Is Israel not justified in fearing another Chamberlain, another Daladier, be they English, French, American or otherwise? Will the leadership of Israel not betray its responsibilities to the people of Israel if a Sudeten crisis Middle East style will not be taken into consideration? It did happen in the past. Palestinian leaders do want Acco, Nazereth, “all of Palestine” as confirmed to NBC. Should we not fear the “second stage”?
Zalli Jaffe
4th March 1990

To Algiers and Beyond

The crisis presently developing in Judea, Samaria and Gaza introduces a unique element of uncertainty, violent disagreement and confusion.
Theoretically, there are four options to the crises in the West Bank:
  1. The area be officially annexed as an integral part of Israel, and athe non – Jewish residents of same acquire certain defined privileges (“The Autonomy Plan”).
 The Jordanian option.
 A creation of a Palestinian State with the approval of Israel.
  1. A creation of same, notwithstanding Israel’s reservations.
 Israel is divided. It is a gross error for one party to ignore the position of a counterpart. This is painfully true in Israel, as no party is strong enough to implement what it considers the proper policy; the right wing cannot enforce the Autonomy Plan; the Labor Party failed in its efforts to exercise the Jordanian option. Indeed, this is a realization of Barbara Tuchman’s theory that “…the presence of disunity… about method of strategy and among the nation’s people about the rightness of the war’s aim makes it impossible for a war of any duration to be fought effectively and won” (Barbara Tuchman, The First Salute).
The fact that Israel has no clear policy does not imply that Israel’s adversaries will not succeed in carrying out their own plans.
The “intifada” was not challenged. Israel failed to abate the tension and control the violence. Israel had no policy, as the government could not offer a consensus, and the army alone will never solve the problem, as Paul Kennedy wrote in his book, “…the history of the past 500 years of international rivalry demonstrates that military security alone is never enough” (Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Power).
If Israel does not adopt a policy acceptable by a stable majority of the Knesset, we shall face a quick development of the Algiers summit and its implementation, which will only be challenged by intra Arab rivalries.
Should this be the case, we must prepare ourselves to the dangers of a Palestinian State and to the benefits, if any, which we can derive from it.
We must attend to the Galilee and to areas in the Negev where the Jewish population exists in a small number; we should form a policy with regard to those Israeli citizens of Arab origin who have endorsed the “intifada”. Presently, Israel can impose conditions and limitations on the newly created Palestinian Entity “un-imposable” in the future. From a Machiavellistic point of view, Israel could, if need be, “sell its consent to the creation of a Palestinian state in consideration for economic independence.
The writer does not suggest that a Palestinian State shold be supported. However, he fewars that the government of Israel, with the policy which it has exercised in the last two years has contributed to and strengthened the nationalist feelings of the Palestinians and so, encouraged them in their aim towards  a Palestinain entity.
Regretfully, the circumstances in Israel have drastically decreased Israel’s ability in the foreseeable future to alter or block the “road to Algiers and beyond”
Zalli Jaffe

Why not the United States

The Editor ,
The  Financial Times,
Fax:  44.71.873  5338

In his brilliant book Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives, Allen Bullock analyses the policies adapted by the United States and Great Britain in regard to Russia. Notwithstanding the fact that Stalin's contribution to the Commencement of the Second world War,           as in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement, is undisputed, he led the Western World to agree to the division of Europe. "Central and Eastern Europe was governed by satellite regimes of the Soviet Union, a Stalinist order in place of the earlier, imposed on them by Hitler and the Nazis". All this with the acquiescence and support of the west. The United States and England proved to lack foreign policy. They succeeded when military might was required [Germany] and failed when Diplomacy was the instrument [Russia].

˜Amazing as it may sound; this phenomenal scheme was repeated through the pages of the twentieth century. Korea, or the Crisis in Cuba, as accurately described by Michael R. Beschless in his new book Kennedy Vs.  Khrushchev, The Crisis years, 1950-1963 Vietnam, where a war of a generation, melted in diplomacy. The Paris Peace treaty orchestrated by Henry Kissinger did not save the south; The Embassy crisis in Teheran. To add insult to injury, the United States will compensate Iran for military purchasing, not delivered because of the crisis {The New York Times, 20th November, 1991.) United States was diplomatic and gained nothing.  The Mullahs have won in all aspects; The United States-succeeded in a war against Iraq on behalf of Kuwait, but failed to see that Syria implemented a similar policy in Lebanon Because Saddam Hussein used force. Haffas el-Assad adopted "diplomacy"; James Baker set in Paris around the same table with representatives of the Khmer Rouge, and thus recognized the legitimacy of the "Nazis of the East".

If Israel allows the United States to initiate a peace plan, it might after end up like Poland after the war, Like Viet-Nam peace treaty, or like so many American Hostages whose humiliation was never revenged.

Zalli Jaffe
22nd  November,1991,

Financial times letter to the editor July 1993

The Editor
Financial Times

Your article Lesson for Israel published yesterday calls for an explanation. Lebanon should be responsible to curb the Hezbollah. Alas, Lebanon being a “subsidiary” of Syria allows it a free hand. Your article speculates that Israel’s activities will compromise the peace talks. Syria, the most important negotiator with Israel is actively supporting the Hezbollah. To talk peace on the one hand, and to terrorize the north of Israel on the other, is simply unacceptable. If Lebanon cannot curb the terrorists and Syria does not want to, Israel is left with no alternative to “do the job” itself.

Comparing the situation in Bosnia is an unjust statement. Muslims in Bosnia had no choice but to flee, just because they were Muslim [and yes, they fled, inter alia to Israel and not the United Kingdom]. The Lebanese have a choice. The Hezbollah, like any other entity cannot survive with hostile population. Terrorism against Israel flourishes because it is supported by the Shia inhabitants of South Lebanon. Let the government of Lebanon clean its back yard. Let the inhabitants of South Lebanon express their hostility to the terrorist group. Israel will welcome these inhabitants back.

No Israeli is pleased with these mass evacuations. It is unfortunately the lesser of two evils, which alternative can be solved by Syria and Lebanon.

Zalli Jaffe,
28th July 1993

רגע חושבים - אפריל 1993

רגע חושבים

איש לא יהיו להרחיב עת בנפשו ולומר כי תנועת המפד"ל יוצאת במטיבה. הכל יסכימו כי צלילתה של התנועה מעמדה כה רבת משמעות בשנות הששים ועד לשנות השמונים המוקדמות איננה מזכה את מנהיגי המפלגה למחמאה כל שהיא. התנועה ירדה בתהומות הסערה ועודה חושבת להישבר. ואשר על התנועה עושים כל שלאל ידם על מנת להבטיח כי כל מאמציו להציל את התנועה מאודבדנה ייכשל.

מאבק לה לתנועת המפד"ל עט תנועת ש"ס. תמוה הדבר שרוב בוחר ש"ס בהשקפתם, קרובים יותר למפד"ל מאשר למנהיגם הרוחני. צא ולמד כמה מבוחרי ש"ס מסכימים לשידוך עם תנועת העבודה, עם שולמית אלוני וחבריה, עם אברהם בורג? ואף על פי כן מצליחה ש"ס להכות במפד"ל על ירך.

בבחירות לרבנות הראשית למדנו כי התנהגותה של המפד"ל ראויה אולי לרחמי שמים, ולא לתנועה המבקשת להשתקם. כבכל מערכת בחירות, קיימת שאלת הסבירות. זו הראתה לכל מי שההין לקרוא את המפה, כי הרב הראשי לתל-אביב-יפו הנו המועמד בעל הסיכויים הטובים ביותר לרשת את כהונת הרב הראשי האשכנזי. זאת ועוד, רוב חסידיו של הרב לאו הנם חובשי כיפות סרוגות, אנשים מזוהים, ולא "פוטנציאלית" עם המפד"ל.
המפד"ל העניקה את הרב לאו על מגש של כסף לגדולה שבמעותיה. אך כששללה המפד"ל באופן כה פומבי את תמיכתה מהרב לאו, הצביע היא אי אימון בכה רבים מהאמורים להיות חייליה.

שמענו אנשי מפד"ל טוענים כי הרבנות הראשית הפחה "פוליטית". ובעבר, כאשר המפד"ל "קבעה" מי יהא הרב הראשי, לא עסקנו בפוליטיקה? אלא שפוליטיקה ממפד"ל ניקית מותרת והאחרת פסולה. חבל רק שרק במפד"ל מבינים כך את פני הדברים.

ולבסוף, לאחר ש"הפסידה את הרבנות הראשית" נשמע ברמה רעיון מטעם התנועה, כאילו תבקש זו להקים גוף מתחרה לרבנות הראשית. אם לא השכילה המפד"ל להרוס כל חלקה טובה שבנו אבות התנועה, הם יעשו זאת עכשיו. ומה יעשו אם- ובאמת, רק אם – מחר תתעשת התנועה ותחזור לימי תפארתה? מה יהיה אז על רבנות ראשית זו? או האחרת? אלא שאולי מנהיגי התנועה דהאידנא אינם מאמינים בכוחה של המפד"ל להתעשת, עד תמות נפשי עם פלישתים. 

ואני מציע למפד"ל לקום כאיש אחד ולעזור לרבנים הראשיים לבנות מחדש את הרבנות הראשית. מדובר באותם שיכולים לשמש כגשר בין כל חלקי העם, אז בואו נעזר להם. כי אם החרש נחריש לעת הזאת, או באם "נתקע מקלות אצל גלגלי העגלה המטפסת במעלה ההר" לא נוכל מחר לשקם את שנהרוס היום, הנזק יהא בלתי הפיך. אזי, על אשר על התנועה שהקימה את הרבנות הראשית, לקבל את הדין, להפגין כי רבנות ופוליטיקה אינם הולכים בצוותה, להתכבד ולכבד את הרבנות הראשית ואת הרבנים הראשיים החדשים. המפד"ל הקימה את הרבנות הראשית, אלא למפד"ל להרוס אותה.

זלי יפה

גבי גזית

גבי גזית הינו עיתונאי ותיק. גבי גזית הינו עתיר ניסיון. גבי גזית הינו אדם שמאזינים לו. אנו מקפידים בידיו הנאמנות כלי חשוב, שהלא "החיים והמוות ביד הלשון". שוטר נאמן על בטחונו של הציבור. שוטר שכשל, מעל. בשוגג או שלא בשוגג, מעל הוא  באמונו של האזרח ומן הדין להסיר מעל כתפיו את גלימת הנאמן. עיתונאי היושב אל מול המיקרופון של שירות שידור ציבורי, מהווה אף הוא נאמן. הוא חייב להיצמד לעובדות, עליו להיות שקול, הוגן ובעל שיפוט נכון. הוא פשוט לא יכול להיות גבי גזית.

אני ציוני לא פחות מגבי גזית. אני עומד בגאווה מהולה בעצב כאשר נשמעת הצפירה ביום הזיכרון לחללי השואה וביום הזיכרון לחיילי צ.ה.ל. אני חוגג בהלל את יום העצמאות, ואצלי בבית הכנסת הגדול בירושלים מסיימים את תפילת נעילה "עת נעילת שער" ביום הכיפורים בשירת ״התקווה״. כל משפחתי שירתה בצה"ל ודגל ישראל מעורר אצלי יראת כבוד.

חרה לי מאוד התנפלותם של תושבים מיצהר על חיילי צ.ה.ל. כאזרח אני מצפה שרשויות החוק יתפסו את האשמים, אלה יעמדו למשפט ויתנו את הדין. בריונות בשמה של הציונות הינה טפל ואסור שנעבור על כך לסדר היום. אבל גזית – בהיסטוריה – אני מוכרח לציין – לא הגביל את עצמו. הוא השתלח בבריונות – ובבורות מוחלטת ב"מתנחלים". כן, כן.  הוא לא טרח אפילו לציין שיש מהם שעשו למען המדינה הרבה יותר מאשר כל קשקושיו של מר גזית ברדיו. אותם מתנחלים ואשר מספר הנהרגים מהם בקרבות להגנת העם והארץ הינו רב יחסית מכל צבור אוכלוסין אחר. אותם חיילי צ..ה.ל. המהווים את הביטחון למתנחלים הם המתנחלים עצמם. רועי קליין ז"ל היה מתנחל. הוא הוכיח את נאמנותו לארץ בדרך המהודרת ביותר כשהציל את חבריו ושילם על כך בחייו. לא, אין גזית אפילו מזכיר את הישוב "יצהר" ממנו יצאו הבריונים. הוא מכלה זעמו במתנחלים כולם. אבל כל מי שעיניו בראשו יודע שהדברים הינם דברי בלע ושקר, ואני מוכן להמר כי מר גזית עצמו יודע שדבריו אינם אמת. זו אינה עיתונאות, זו בריונות עיתונאית. בריון אינו יכול להיות נאמן על רשות שידור, ובדמוקרטיה המבקשת את טובתה של עצמה אדם כזה אמור לעמוד לדין על הסתה הקוראת לאילמות.

אבל מר גזית ממשיך בשלו. "החרדים". לא פרטים, לא בריונים מאצל הציבור החרדי, החרדים – כולם, כן, כן, כולל "הצלה״ ו"זק"א" אולי הרב פירר שהינו חרדי או "מגן לחולה", כן ללא הבחנה, כולם – "עלוקות", "התולעים האלה", "עלובים ובהמיים" – כך עיתונאי החושב שהוא אדם נורמאלי. הוא יודע לקבוע שאמונתם של החרדים הינה "פרימיטיבית חשוכה, שטופת שנאה" "הם מקדשים שטויות" "הם – כך הפרשן היודע ומכיר  את היהדות כמו השטיח למרגלותי והמהווה, במחילה ביב השופכין של התעשייה העיתונאית,  – פרזיטים מהסוג הגרוע ביותר". הם, החרדים, כולם. לא חלקם.

לפני שבוע ומחצה הרכנו ראש ביום בו החל מרד גטו ורשה. ועידת ואזנה שנערכה בברלין ביום 20 ינואר, 1973 קבעה  את מדיניות  ״הפתרון הסופי״. נוסחאות ״גזיתיות״ שהשמיע האיש הרע הזה נשמעו גם שם.  גם כן, ללא הבחנה, בכלליות. מר גזית מציע "לכלול – את החרדים – בשכונותיהם, לנתק אותם מצינור החמצן של הקידמה". ל"פטנט" הזה – מר גזית – קראו "גטו" בשנות מלחמת העולם השנייה. מעניין מאיפה למד מר גזית את הפטנט המזוויע הלזה?

אז שמעתי וקראתי את דבריו של מר גזית. הוא צודק, יש פה חשיכות, יש פה פרימיטיביות, הוא מיוצגת בגאווה על ידי אדם המתיימר להיות נאור, אבל הוא חשוך, ואפילו חשוך מאוד. על ידי אדם המתיימר לחשוב, אבל הוא מעוות לא יוכל לתקון. – גבי גזית שמו. אם הוא הנאמן של המיקרופון הציבורי אז אנחנו באמת מדינה חשוכה ופרימיטיבית. לא בגלל המתנחלים, לא בגלל החרדים, בגלל גבי גזית.
זלי יפה

He who Forgets the Past

He who Forgets the Past

Many demand credit for the dictum, “he who does not remember the past, is condemned to repeat it”. All should agree to its accuracy.

When in Zurich, Vladimit I. Lenin defined the aim of the Communist Revolution. He was not concentrating on the forcing of communism in Russia, but on efforts to shake the civil and social order worldwide and the imposition of the “dictatorship of the Prolertariat”, in any locale, in every possible country. Indeed, in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire, Brian Crozier describes in detail the implementation of this policy by Joseph Stalin. Stalin’s gross mistake was his demand that all will recognize him as the only leader of world communism. His policy caused the breach with China under Mao Tze Tung, and Yugoslavia under Marshall Joseph Tito.

The world failed to understand the danger in Stalin. So much so, that Winston Churchill felt during the convention in The Crimea that Stalin’s “word was his bond”.
Lord Alan Bullock in his book Hitler and Stalin Parallel Lives, compares the aims of Stalin to that of Hitler. Like Stalin, Hitler wished to ensure the collapse of the world political and social order existing at the time in Europe.

Hitler’s political success at the beginning of his crusade was due solely to the failure of the free world to understand and read his intentions. Neville Chamberlain became the symbol of ridicule of political understanding, whose appeasement brought about the collapse of the world.
Both Hitler and Stalin attracted the masses with fear and ideology.
As King Solomon concluded “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

The greatest mistake of this government’s peace initiative was expressed in the “unity in the Arab world”. Israel would do better if it had to attend to one party at a time and “leading” these parties to debate within themselves, when facing a “conflict of interest”. The prime example is Jerusalem.
Israel is challenged by a Palestinian demand to “baptize” East Jerusalem as the capital city of the new entity. I am not sure Israel can and should face the pressure alone. Saudi Arabia’s interests in Jerusalem could help Israel.

The Royal family of Saud is entrusted with the governorship of the two holiest monuments of Islam; Mecca and Medina. All can appreciate Riyadh’s ambition to dominate the shrine on the Temple Mount [the third holiest site for all of Muhammad’s followers]. On the other hand, Israel will not compromise its jurisdiction over the whole city of Jerusalem. However, the Government of Israel might agree to convert the Temple Mount to an area with a status similar to that of an embassy, benefiting Saudi Arabia. The government of Riyadh can then accept the undertaking as the supervisor responsible for all of Islam’s holy shrines in the city of Jerusalem.

Such a formula will not deny Israel its territorial claims ot the city of Jerusalem; yet, The House of Suad will retain control of the Temple Mount, as if the latter was a Saudi Embassy. Such a formula will enable the Royal family in Riyadh to govern all three holiest Islamic sanctuaries, a long standing desire of that family.

Zalli Jaffe,

Financial times, letter to the editor March 1989

I would be grateful if the following could be published as a letter or otherwise in one of your columns

On 28th March, you informed your readers of a visit presently conducted by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in Morocco.
During a state dinner, the Prime Minister called on Israel to negotiate with the PLO, "nothing is ever lost by exploring the views of one's opponents"

With respect, I believe that an English leader - more than any other-should be most reserved in offering such a policy.

There is a clear difference between Germany of l938-9 and Germany of 1989,a shining contrast existed between  the USSR under Stalin of 1939 ,and the USSR under Gorbachev of 1339. No such changes apply to the United Kingdom England is the same good old England;

Number 10 did "explore the views of one's opponent in l93S-9; or should I say "misexplored", The White Hall failed to understand Germany's policy in Alsace-Lorrainei His Majesty's Government miscalculated the Nazis desires in Austria, "Peace in our time" following an "exploration" of Adolf Hitler brought about the liquidation of Czechoslovakia, and thereafter the outbreak of the second world war – commenced with the invasion of Poland. Was "nothing ever lost by exploring?

Adolf Hitler initiated havoc in the Sudetenland, The PLO is orchestrating and manipulating the Intifada.

Herr Hitler undertook to safeguard the remaining portion of Czechoslovakia Mr. Yassir Arafat vaguely expressed what some people interpret as a recognition of Israel. But had "Mein Kampf" not contradicted Adolf Hitler's undertaking? Is the PLO's constitution not in gross variance to Mr. Arafat's recognition (and what do we make out of Arafat's deputy, Abu Jihada's statement following the summit in Algiers-that the West Bank is the "First stage").Will nothing be lost by exploring? Both the White Hall and the media in England "misexplored" Adolf Hitler, and demanded leniency of Prague. Both the White Hall and the media are "misexploring" Mr. Arafat and pressure Israel to adapt its positions. Everything was lost when once the free world "explored the view of one's opponents". Everything will be lost if Israel follows a similar exploration. If the Prime Minister pressures Israel in this direction, she will find herself to be the second Neville Chamberlain following the same fruitless "exploration".

hypocracy celebrates

The Times,
.O.Box  7,
oo  Gray's Inn,
London WCIX  SEZ

Dear Sir,

I would be grateful to you if you could publish the following letter: HYPOCRASY CELEBRATES

Two wars have taken place at the same time. The collision: Israel vs. Syria and the P.L.O. on the one hand - and England vs. Argentine, on the other. The reason for the battle in the Falkland Islands is a question of principle and the "robbing" of property by the Argentineans. A very distinguished and honorable reason.  The reason for the war in Lebanon is international terrorism, the murdering, raping, and robbing of Christian inhabitants in Lebanon (to which England paid so much attention to in the last seven years -doing nothing) and the killing and terrorizing of Israelis in the North Galilee and the world. I believe that if Israel had no right to fight in Lebanon, England, most certainly, had no right to fight in the Falkland islands, and deny Israel's right of self defense.

A wise man once said, "Those who do not remember the past are bound to repeat it". The crisis in "Men shall do what is right in his eyes" or in Plato's words, "Man is the measure", The "Palestinians" defeated in Jordan in September 1970, undertook the introduction anarchy to Lebanon.

It is not the first time that Israel is operating in South Lebanon to save the lives of its own people in the North of Israel, as well as the lives of its Christian neighbors on the other side of the border. As in the past, so at present, I.D.F. soldiers are greeted by Christians and Moslems alike; with open arms, as saviors from barbarians who call themselves "liberators". (looking at the picture on the front page of the Herald Tribune of Monday June 7th 1982, is sufficient to understand the mentality of these creatures).

After the "Litany Operation", the US government had initiated a cease-fire agreement forcing Israel to abide by it. At that stage, Israel Defence Forces were in need of two more days to destroy the so called PLO. Yet, for some reason, someone in Washington insisted that what America's president believes to be a terrorist organization (Candidate Reagan – "Unlike President Carter, I have no hesitation in holding the PLO as a terrorist organization". President –elect Reagan, " I think that the PLO has proven that it is a terrorist organization") has a right to survive and operate.

There were, so it seems, two interpretations to the Cease – Fire agreement reached under the auspices of US Diplomacy. We, in Israel, believed it be a cease –fire on all fronts. The PLO – and, ridiculously enough, some voices in America as well – suggested that the cease – fire agreement applies only to operations from or in Southern Lebanon. Whilst murdering woman and children in mid –towns, terrorizing Jews around the world, attempts to kill and destroy is permissible, the PLO can relax as its headquarters are under the protection of the "cease fire agreement". It is obvious that Israel cannot accept such a hypocritical interpretation.

Moreso, whilst Israel respected its obligations in accordance with the cease-fire agreement, Syria brought rockets into South Lebanon, contrary to the status quo and to the cease –fire agreement, the PLO managed to double and triple their deployment of heavy artillery and rockets. Israel could not respond. The United States demanded that a formula, for the solving of these problems, be found by an American mediator. Mr. Philip Habib paid several visits to the capitals involved. However, the American diplomacy failed. Syria's missiles are in South Lebanon, and the PLO got stronger and stronger, failing to force Syria and the PLO to respect their obligation did not prevent Mr. Habib from paying another visit to Jerusalem before the present collision. The diplomat introduced a letter from his president addressed to Prime Minister Begin. President Reagan demanded that Israel introduce evidence of its peaceful intentions. The missiles are in Lebanon, the PLO is arming itself up to its teeth, yet Israel is to bring evidence.

I recall the missile crisis in 1970 between Israel an d Egypt. Then too, America denied Israel's right to respond to Egypt's actions and demanded tolerance. The US Congressional records of October 18, 1970, prophesized the consequences of Egypt's action and Israel's tolerance

If the present uneasy cease –fire deteriorates and hostilities resume, the Israeli air force would pay a high price in lives and aircrafts, in attempting to destroy the SAM defense system".

Israel remembers the costly and painful past. Israel is not bound to repeat it.

Last but not least, let every individual around the world answer this question: how much does he suffer from the PLO? Every country around the world is endangered and threatened. Security in airports is only one consequence of the PLO role in international terrorism. Cars blowing up in the center of towns in another. Civil wars in South America is a third.

All terrorist groups around the world find their roots and support in PLO camps in Libya and Lebanon. The Japanese Red Army, the Italian Red Brigade, the German Badar – Mianhoff, the IRA in Ireland and England, the Communists in South America, etc., etc., etc. even the Arab world fear the PLO. Many Arab rulers are only too happy to see the PLO busy with Israel and not with their "brothers".

Israel does not want to harm whoever calls himself a "Palestinian". Israel desires to bring about the destruction of the PLO. When Israel succeeds, the whole world will be relieved. PLO guns and bombs killed men, women, and children in the Galilee. PLO "soldiers" put bombs around market places, killed innocent people all over the world just because they are Jews. In such a case, immunity is waved. We will play the game our way, not theirs. Nobody can seriously believe that the PLO's actions will go unanswered. This is our answer: FORCE.

Samuel Johnson once said, "Knowledge is of two kinds, we know a subject ourselves or we know where to get information about it". England's policy makers, have knowledge of none.

England's one – sided policy has long since brought that kingdom to its knees. When ITV introduced "Death to a Princess" it was the English Foreign Minister who rushed to Riyad to apologize for the fact that someone in England practices the freedom of speech. While we are discussing freedom of speech, I "adore" British news media; when broadcasting from Israel they complained of censorship. However, whilst broadcasting from the Falkland Islands they phrase it, "certain news has to be withheld for military reasons".

In October 1938, John Mazerrick, the Czechoslovakian Ambassador to London told Dr. Weizman the following: "But don't think, Dr. Weizman, that we are the only victims. The British have built a house of three stories. On the first floor they put Haile Selassie, the second floor has now been  allocated to us, but the third floor is reserved for you.".

We remember. We are not bound to repeat it.

England had a very "successful" foreign policy during the last few decades. That is why the sun did not set over the British Empire. England did de-colonize its Empire, but not voluntarily, as Mr. Pyn suggested. What is happening in North Ireland is just a repetition of history. The usual "procedure" for England's de-colonization. What England does not remember England is bound to repeat it.

We are determined to bring the downfall of the PLO. To fight terrorism with all our might. That is why we went to Antebbe "yesterday". That is why we are in Lebanon today. It will bring about the safety of Israelis, and the safety of those who condemned Israel for its present action. When the PLO is gone, men will walk around Paris and London with the fear of being terrorized. Those who buy petroleum and those who sell it will take off their hats and say, "Thank you Israel.

Zalli Jaffe

23 June 1982