יום חמישי, 9 במאי 2024

Really, Mr. president?


President Biden is a good man.  He was a friend of Israel while a senator, all the way to his famous “Don't! Don't”!” speech.  The president is surrounded by experts in military affairs, diplomacy, and politics, mostly graduates of the best schools the USA has to offer.  Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, The Kennedy School of Government in Harvard, graduates of Colombia, Yale, Princeton, and more, all known as “Ivy League”.  They were always there.  During the war in Korea, the war in Vietnam, The Bay of Pigs, Afghanistan, and Iraq. And what they brought to the USA is ………… embarrassment.

Notwithstanding the USA, Russia still fights Ukraine; the USA left Afghanistan in a manner reminding us all of the vacating of the US Embassy in Saigon. Iraq was left to bleed.

The US is “a blind diplomat”.  What does Hamas wish to achieve?  It depends on the Ayatollahs in Teheran.  What do the Houthis wish to achieve? It depends on Teheran as well. What is Hezbollah's aim?  All roads lead to fanatic Islamists who rule Iran.     40% of Muslims residing in England aim for the United Kingdom to be ruled by Sharia law. Many quarters of Paris are unavailable for police protection because of Muslim violence. Indeed, France will be the first Western European country with a Muslim majority in 2042. The most common name given to children in Belgium today is Muhamad. During Ramadan this year, churches were converted to Mosques in Sweden to cater to the needs of Muslims. Children in mixed schools in Germany convert to Islam “to be cool”, so they can be accepted by Muslim classmates. 

The number of Hamas, Hezbollah and other extremist cells in the United States, England, Europe and Australia is staggering. No one in the intelligence community in the United States stood up and pointed to the originators of the massive campaigns against Jews, against Israel, and against the United States, all within the United States. No one knows who pays for the burning of the United States flag? The chanting of “Death to America” heard in Chicago, in California and even at Columbia University in New York?  Turkey?  Russia?  China?  Iran?  All these coordinated demonstrations have no coordinator? [Maybe the fact that tents all over the university demonstrations were all of one kind should ring a bell?  “Coincidence? I think not”. Were such demonstrations held against Russia when it invaded Ukraine?  Against Bashar al-Assad when he murdered hundreds of thousands of his people? Against Iran when it slaughtered its own citizens? The concentration camps “hosting” Muslims in China? The raping of Muslim women in Burma? And so much more].  Why do I have a feeling that the “blind eyes” to all these crimes are related to the fact that the Jews are not involved”?  

Russia and Syria, Isis, Hammas Hizballah, Houthis and Iran have one thing in common.  “Vive la Islam”.  And Putin, who wishes to revive the Russian empire, plays today to Islam what Stalin did to Germany.  And as much as Hitler thought that the Russians were “Untermenschen” but could be used against Poland, so is Russia today to be used by Islam.  But one day, the latter will turn against it, exactly as Hitler did. [There are enough Muslims in Russia who would serve as fifth columns 

The President of the United States, surrounded by these world experts, does not seem to understand that, at the end of the day, Muslim extremism wishes to see America on its knees. Freezing ammunition from coming into Israel makes as much sense as not allowing the American Army access to ammunition when it was fighting in Vietnam,  Afghanistan or Iraq. 

You cannot fight Hamas with one hand tied behind your back. The suffering of the people in Rafah has nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with Hamas and the incompetence of the world community in helping the Gazans, not through Hamas. For example, erecting tent villages on the seashore of Northern Gaza, to host women, the elderly, and children and to cater to their needs. But calling men under the age of 50 to make up their minds. Fight Hamas or rape Israeli women and kill their children, but then find yourself with seventy virgins quicker than you expected. These are the two choices. If the United States does not allow Israel to win a decisive, clear victory and annihilate Hamas, a lot of blood will be shed in the cities of the United States and Europe, all originating in Islamic terror. 

On the one hand, on 2nd April 2024, seven World Central Kitchen workers were killed in Gaza.  A devastating error by the Israeli Army.  Israel took responsibility, and the world - inclusive of the USA -   went berserk. On the other hand,  Israel opened the gates to Gaza in the Kerem Shalom passage to enable goods to be transferred to Gaza.  While organizing the shipment of goods, Hamas killed four Israeli soldiers. Not a word!  Silence!

Israel is fighting on four fronts [Hamass, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran] against those who can -  in a day  - solve the suffering of the people in Gaza but prefer to kill Jews. Pressing Israel to care for the Gazans is idiocy to the highest possible degree.  And yes, if I need to choose between fighting those who are there to annihilate me while violating every international law and while demands are made to me to keep the law or reciprocating against those on the other side by fighting an uncompromised war, I will vote for the second alternative.  Do not forget. We never wanted to annihilate them.  They want to annihilate us.

The USA, Belgium and the EC are giving Hamas diplomatic victories.  Accusing Israel of war crimes, while Hammas rocketed Israel for 20 years, or after October 7, is a combination of hypocrisy and stupidity.   Maybe you forgot.  There was a cease-fire on 6th October.  Israel vacated all of Gaza in 2005. The Gazans voluntarily voted for Hamas in 2007.  This is when rocketing civilians in Israel started.

The tragedy of Europe is that they do not see that London is being conquered by Muslim fanatics or that France is becoming Muslim; you see fewer European faces in Brussels.  The massive escalation of Muslim crimes in Europe does not sound the alarm because it is not “politically correct”.

Just threatening Israel with criminal proceedings and imposing embargos on shipments of ammunition are significant boosts to terrorists, to the US’s worst enemies, and to those who detest Western civilisation.

You might now be stubbing Israel at the back.  But you are stabbing yourself in the front; you just do not know it. Yet.