יום שישי, 27 באוקטובר 2023

Who are you Mr. Gutteres?

Who are you Mr. Guterres?

Indeed, many politicians make stupid mistakes. Many make stunning statements, and many retreats in an embarrassing and foolish manner. What happened with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, is not only an admission of dishonesty and cruelty but gross failure in his responsibility as the United Nations Secretary-General, which failure does not begin today. We all heard him loud and clear, and his ‘criticism of those who criticize him’ has no merit. How can you justify a remark like “Hamas Attacks on Israel did not happen in a vacuum”? Hitter did not come to be what he was “in a vacuum”. The Versailles agreements had contributed to his political rise. Does this justify him in any way? What would such a statement possibly mean but justifying the 21st-century Gestapo?

How odd it is that before it was disclosed that Israel had nothing to do with the tragedy in the Al Hali Hospital in Gaza, the UN called for a deep investigation. The BBC, the NY Times, and Sky News were all “singing” against Israel. Once it was cleared that it was an Islamic Jihad that caused the tragedy, all is good and forgotten. Yes, BBC and NY Times admitted to being wrong. Mr. Gutteres? He is too busy.

It is true. Hospitals are protected by international law. When did the Secretary-General condemn Hamas for using Hospitals to conceal rackets? 

The United Nations, many Western organizations, and governments have tried to support Gaza for many years. They have injected staggering amounts of money and, yes, allowed Qatar to bring in cash, which in normal countries, would never be legal but constitute a classic case of money laundering. And the UN? Nothing.

Those funds were supposed to have supported the building of hospitals, schools, and kindergartens to benefit the population of Gaza. UNWRA has a very central base in Gaza.

Yes, UNRWA – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in The Near East [The only agency of its kind – no other groups of refugees are supported by a parallel organisation] with an annual budget of one Billion dollars – announced on17th October, that Hamas has stolen humanitarian aids – inclusive of fuel and medicine. We did not hear anything from the Secretary-General. BBC and Sky challenge Israel's “rights” not to allow fuel to Gaze. And Hamas? Stealing Fuel from UNRWA, so Israel should allow more fuel in? So, Hamas can steal more? So who is causing the suffering of the Gazans. Israel or Hamas? Who contributes to such suffering? Israel or the UN? History will judge the integrity of The Secretary-General. History does not lie. It will judge Mr. Guterres to condemnation. 

The Secretary-General knows very well that UNWRA is cooperating with Hamas and has many times turned a blind eye to the confiscation of assets from UNWRA for its own purposes. To the concealing of ammunition in Hospitals and schools administrated and financed by UNWRA. The Secretary-General knows Hamas denies any movements of Gazans to safety. Mr. Gutteres knows what the consequences of Hamas were winning the elections in Gaza in 2006. All was “well” until Hamas became politically stronger. PLO’s personnel in Gaza were pushed of buildings to their deaths, not before family members were brought to witness these executions.

As the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Guterres was responsible for supervising how the governing entity in Gaza spends the money it received. He did not. He and his associates knew very well what was done with the money. But they poured in more. The misery of the people of Gaza and Hamas’ ability to conduct the atrocities on the 7th of October rests on his shoulders. 

When the Secretary-General demands that Israel allow fuel to be allowed into Gaza, does he demand they return the fuel that Hamas stole? Did he ever think how Hamas semi-paid the Iranians for the massive number of rockets they have? For the tunnels preparing the attacks on Israel? Is he alarming the world to look out for the private army of Hizballah that has all its ammunition directed against Israel? When did he last mention the name Hizballah? When did he last refer to Hamas before October 7th? 

Gaza is an independent entity from Israel. Israel has no legal responsibility for the welfare of the citizens of Gaza, in as much that Thailand had no legal responsibility towards those Cambodians fleeing Pol Pot’s regime in what he called Democratic Kampuchea until 1979. Notwithstanding this, Israel, in a voluntary manner, provided water and electricity to Gaza. Many Gazans received medical help and treatment in Israeli hospitals. Many from Gaza came to work in Israel (and expressed their gratitude by spying on Israel for Hamas). All this is a major act of generosity on Israel’s part. Point to another country that does that to citizens of another entity who, for years, attacked that country with missiles targeting only civilians?

The only entities responsible for the Gazans’ misery are Hamas and the Ayatollahs in Teheran, whose only justifiable reason for existing is barbarism. Instead of distributing the funds to the citizenry, the money they received to create jobs to erect hospitals and schools are used to construct tunnels to attack Israel. Instead of giving money to the poor, the leaders of Hamas built themselves luxurious houses in Gaza and made sure to have comfortable residences outside of Gaza to send their wives and children. Khalid Mashal “eulogies” the death of children in Gaza from the safety of a five-star hotel in Doha. Ask him where the children are? No, not in Gaza. Where is Isamil Haniye? Travelling between two heavens. Istanbul and Doha. How many of his 13 children are in Gaza? None.


Beheading children, cutting open a pregnant woman, taking out the fetus and shooting it just for fun, burning entire families in their homes, kidnapping toddlers, the youngest, 9 months old, raping women and even bodies, and looting while conducting all these other SS atrocities, cannot be justified by any man unless he is evil. The justification offered by Mr. Guterres gave legitimacy to Gestapo-style attacks. To Nazi systems operated by ISIS-Hamas. 

I do not recall Mr. Guterres condemning or expressing embarrassment about his country’s history. As the Prime Minister of Portugal, I do not recall him being forced to support miserable African countries located a few miles away from Portugal in North Africa. For one reason or another, Mr. Guterres believes that only Israel must support its enemy. And we did. Notwithstanding years of rockets and terror, electricity and water were delivered to Gaza. Israeli hospitals catered to Gazan’s needs. The reciprocity? Beheading heads of babies and then calling the murderer’s father by mobile phone – not his, the baby’s mother, to proudly tell his father of what he did. After all, Atbach al Yehud 

The Secretary General of the United Nations dares to justify the Gestapo attitude. How can I think about this in any other manner but as cooperation and justification? The Secretary General of the United Nations has no morals. Not only because of what he said but because of what he did not do for years, allowing Hamas to devastate Gaza and Gazans. 

Let the Secretary-General, before resigning, and he should resign, assign a few hundred UN policemen located in Cyprus and wasting the world’s money for nothing – and I mean, nothing - since 1974 [when the last bullet was fired between Turks and Greeks in this small island] to an area on the seaside in Gaza, construct a city of tents only for women and children with temporary infrastructure - water, medicine and fuel that Hamas cannot touch. This is subject to Israeli investigators being allowed in this area to investigate each and every person about the Israeli kidnapped. Any woman who does not cooperate should be ousted from the “safe area”. All men would have to stay in Gaza and make up their minds. Fight the Hamas and save yourselves or fight Israel and be doomed. 

Israel does not have to save Gaza. The UN does. Israel is not responsible for the sufferings of Gazans. Secretary General Gutteres is.

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