יום שני, 18 בדצמבר 2017

Christianity and Israel - December 6th 2017

Christianity and Israel

Zalli Jaffe

Why do Christians who believe in God have to support Israel according to the Christian religion?

Jews and Christians dispute on a number of major religious issues. However there are some important elements both Jews and Christians believe in.

A . We both believe in God.

B. We both believe in the sanctity and uniqueness of Abraham.

C. We both believe that we are to understand every message God delivers to us.

One of the more complicated questions in the story of the sacrifice of Isaac, was,  why did God need to test Abraham. Surely, God knew that Abraham will successfully meet the challenge. So what is the logic of testing him?

As we said, we, humans, should understand every message God sends us. As a matter of fact, God is speaking to us in a language we understand. If we fail in our understanding, this is a failure of us -  humans.

When Abraham “left” society to believe in a “new God”, his comrades were not impressed. They said that he is not as loyal to his new God as they are to the gods. they – assumed the comrades – are ready to sacrifice their children to Molek. what other demonstration of dedication could there be? God decided to speak to humanity in a language they understand. He instructed Abraham to demonstrate that even according to his old comrades understanding, he is more dedicated to his God then they to their gods. And how did he do it? By ordering Abraham to sacrifice his son. Once the dedication was demonstrated, and Abraham nearly knifed his son, the comrades realized – according to the understanding of their religion – that Abraham is no less dedicated to his God than they are to theirs. Once the message was delivered, God did not need the actual sacrifice, so he stopped Abraham from acting.

God also gave Christians a message they need to read carefully. Christianity counts history twice. Once from the beginning of the world – as Jews do. The second time, is – more or less – from the birth of Christ. All Christians need to do is to look at the parallels. How many years elapsed from the date of creation to the year in which Abraham was born? The answer is 1948 years. Whoever  has a slight familiarity with the history of the State of Israel also knows that 1948 years from the second counting – by Christianity - of world history, the state of Israel was established.

The exact Parallel between the birth of Abraham and the creation of the state of Israel, should be a message that every Christian should take note of. 

Zalli Jaffe, 

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