יום רביעי, 15 במרץ 2017

Iran Dear - August 2015

Iran Dear

The US history of foreign policy is not the greatest page of glory. Just a short list of the most important failures will confirm that. The political arrangements with the USSR following the Second World War, and the development of The Cold War. The invasion of Hungry, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam Afghanistan, Iraq.

Now, the 44th president of the United States knows better. Or does he? Francis Fukuyama explained in his Political Order and Political Decay that "one cannot build a steel plant in a country in which there is no market for steel, no supply of competent managers or workers, no infrastructure to move products to markets, and no legal system to protect the rights of the plant's investors". Generalizing this view, you must address each and every situation, and each and every nation and country, taking into consideration the unique geographical, religious, political and philosophical circumstances associated with it. The U.S. failed in Iraq and Afghanistan because it wanted these nations to implement Democracy "our way", to adopt Western values. This just did not work. Hungary converted to democracy because it did have some experience between the wars. Russians did not see "a free day" for a thousand years (the Czarist regimes were followed by a civil war, than communism). Who in Russia could have implemented democracy over night? The result? "Putinism" and the renewal of the Cold War.

Not long ago, the United States and its Western allies, tried to negotiate economical support in exchange for the Kim dynasty’s stopping the developments of nuclear bombs. North Korea fooled the U.S. Three times. It did get financial support, it continued developing its non-conventional arsenal, and the U.S could do nothing about it but negotiate again, just to be fooled again. In 1990 North Korea threatened to turn Seoul into "a sea of fire" and concessions to it were made. In 1994 an "Agreed Framework" was signed in Genève in exchange of freezing all nuclear program. The North got what Andrei Lankov - in his book The Real North Korea- called "hefty payment". KEDO was formed. Yet, foreign monitors in 2004 were restricted even in monitoring the distribution of food [supplied by them] to the North Koreans. In 2002 while Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly was in Pyongyang, it was found that the North Koreans were cheating on promises not to develop nuclear arsenals. In 2009 North Korea admitted of developing Highly Enrich Uranium. Nobody took it seriously when unilaterally The North Korean withdrew from the Non Proliferation Treaty. It was George Bush who at last realized what happened when he defined Kim Jong Il as "pigmy" and his country as part of the "axis of evil". But for many years the North was supported by the US while cheating it in major scales.

The former director of the U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear site in Loos Alamos was invited to visit North Korea's nuclear facilities, a modern and large facility. As Lankov concludes "this once again demonstrated that North Korea had been lying all those years. Hardly anybody was surprised by such discovery, however.

The President of the United States trusts the Iranians so much, that in the new treaty - Annex 3 clause 10D - the West undertakes to help protect Iranian nuclear facilities against attack. So let us see. If Khamenei and his cronies try to implement what they promise day and night in the ears of everybody who wants to hear that Israel is to be annihilated, and Israel will try to damage Iran's nuclear capabilities, will the U.S. Help Iran against Israel? Or against Saudi Arabia? In the infamous Munich Agreement of September 1938, guarantees were offered to the potential future Victims. Today, the protection is given to the Offender, the villain.

Now, president Obama believes Ali Khamenei who issued a Fatwa against the development of nuclear capabilities, (The president forgot that this fatwa was amended, prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons, not the development of same), or to the undertakings of President Hassan Rouhani not to develop atomic bomb. President Obama does not know of Al-Takkeya - the Islamic Principle of holy deception? Khamenei does not think that Islamic Bomb is a religious mission? And if Iran cheats and the other signatories to the treaty wish to inspect sites? No immediacy is allowed. A 21 days advance notice is required. Moreover, Iran might say no. If it does, the other signatories might JOINTLY resolve to veto Iran's "no". Indeed, let us see. Russia? Who will never allow sanctions against Iran again? May be China? Or now that the sanctions are lifted and trillions of Dollars will be invested in Iran (So it can continue support international terrorism - it is not in variance with the agreement) governments will not be influenced by business? Was it not petroleum that prevented US aircraft's carrying military aid to Israel to land in Europe during the October 1973 war? 

Ali Khamenei & President Barack Obama

Did Iran by now not already cheat The President? Why were Security Councils resolutions 1737 or 1747 against Iran needed? Was it not because Iran was lying to the world? However, the White House knows better. Notwithstanding SABA’s 2011 conclusion that Iran is developing nuclear capabilities, in August 2012, a formal statement by the White House denied it.

Iran will act exactly like North Korea. The president will lift the sanction and give 21 days’ advance notice on any inspection. President Barack Obama thus guarantees Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Iran, the worlds greatest sponsor of terror; Iran, the only country in the world that calls for annihilation of another country - a fact not mentioned in the agreement - will be able to develop an instrument that can destroy cities in Europe, USA and The Middle East. All thanks to the president of "The Great Satan".

In an interview to "Meet the Press", British Prime Minister David Cameron said "be in no doubt, we are committed to working with you (US- ZJ) to destroy  the caliphate (ISIS - ZJ) in both countries (Syria and Iraq - ZJ)”. ISIS will not destroy the world. But all are determine to destroy it. Iran might destroy countries and civilizations by advancing non-conventional terror. But nobody talks about destroying its nuclear capabilities. 

In a recent interview regarding the Iran deal, with Thomas Freedman of the New York Times, President Obama stated "we are not naive". Yes you are, Mr. President. You are. Very dangerously so.

Zalli Jaffe

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