There are a number of ways to challenge difficulties facing society.
Some will simply ignore the existence of a problem. Others, might try to
analyze and seek for an intellectual or practical solution to the problem. A
third group will try to use the problem as a means to promote their own
selfishness or narrow interest. I do not know too many subjects that are as disputed and in which both parties to the
dispute cause themselves grave harm as the challenge of the Israeli society
with the issue of homosexuals.
Let us first address the opinion of the religious community. In the
past, as in the present, members of the associat ed
with the Shas political party at tacked
the homosexual community and tried to promote "special treat ment" to every "pervert". The then
minister of health refused to address the real problem of the homosexual
community. Now, the observance of the Sabbat h
is itemized in the bible more frequently than homosexuality. According to the
Talmud, Shabbat represents the whole
bible, and its importance is also emphasizes by the fact that it it’s the fifth commandment. Notwithstanding
the above, the religious political leaders, sit together openly with those who
desecrat e the holiness of the Shabbat . They demonstrat e
leniency and courtesy to these people, as they should. Homosexuality is not the
severest felony in the bible, and its position does not equal that of the keeping of the Shabbat .
Thus, the at titude of the religious
community to the issue of homosexuality should not be violent and rude as the at titude of the religious community to those who
keep the Sabbat h is not neither
violent nor rude.
![]() |
Pride Parade Amsterdam |
On the other hand, the reason for the religious community's
I have listened to the commitment given by the organizers of the Pride
Parade in Jerusalem according to which the parade in Jerusalem will be modest
and not reflect the parades in Tel Aviv. I appreciat e
this considerat ion, alas, it cannot
suffice. There is a stigma adopted by the members of that
community. They were the organizers of the marches in Tel Aviv, they
were sending their representat ives
to the gay parades around the world, and it was an advocat e
by the name of Nat i Shaked, whose
recent success had nothing to do with his profession, but by him becoming the
world "Mr. Gay". His pictures in the world press speak for
themselves. These parades, are nothing but cheap pornography, and the covering
of pornography with modesty, cannot do. The list of the famous people in
history who were homosexuals is a distinguished one. Whether the accusat ions are correct, or not. Alexander the Great , the K ing
of Macedonia, Fredrick the Great
from Prussia, Francis Bacon, or Oscar Wilde, (who spent time in jail for his
tendencies) the scientist Isaac Newton, the historian, Anthony Blant and even
Leonard Bernstein, the conductor. Some of the people were fighting society,
some were boycotted by it.
So we have advanced. Today when the homosexual community seeks
recognition by society, when the homosexual wishes society to recognize him as
one of it, the representat ive of the
Israeli homosexual community, march in the gay parade in Amsterdam, they – and
only they – dress with pink belts, and only pink belts thus preventing me from
addressing them with the dignity they require. Every human being, deserves
respect as such. Even the homosexual. Every member of a minority. But if the
homosexual really seeks for society to challenge the problems he faces society
should demand he treat himself with
In the lat ter part of the
sixties, the western hemisphere covered itself with the spirit of "free
love". The origin of the Woodstock festival. Demonstrat ions of love were everywhere. Everything was
permitted, and in Plat o's Euphoria,
all made love to all. And although the reference was lust between man and
woman, I would have objected with all my strength to "a free love
march" in Jerusalem. As I would not want to see, strippers march in
Jerusalem justified by the claim that
Jerusalem is the capital city of all. My objections to the gay parade in
Jerusalem is not rooted in the tendencies of its participants, but by the fact
that they have converted the parade
to prostitution. And a capital city has to retain its dignity. The Pride Parade
that in the past took place in
Jerusalem, or the one in Tel Aviv is not an intellectual challenge. It is not a
demonstrat ion of seriousness, but
pornography. Those marching adopted the name, "the Pride Parade" but
nothing is more humiliat ing more
insulting, event to those homosexuals who wish to live as a mainstream member
of society. The essence of the parade is nothing but lust. The question is
difficult, the challenge is not simple. Part of the reaction of the religious
community is rooted in this at mosphere.
A parade which is lust a cheap imitat ion
to Athens and Rome ignoring the result of the aftermat h
of these two cities.
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הוסף רשומת תגובה