יום שלישי, 25 ביוני 2013

A partnership?

Since the State of Israel was established, a unique formula of partnership was composed between the Jewish people residing in the Diaspora and the State of Israel. We, in Israel, shed blood, sweat and tears. Our partners support us, financially, but more so, with unconditional political backing.
It is therefore agreed that Jewish leaders in the Diaspora offer their opinions, reservations and disagreements. The final word – however – must be reserved for the governemtn of Israel, the latter, duly elected by the people of Israel. It is the noble duty of every Jewish Leader to support and unite with Israel when abroad. Criticize its policies – when in Israel.
When a Jewish leader declines to attend a solidarity conference in protest against the government’s policy, he also propagates support to our enemies.
Barbara Tuchman, in her last book, offered the following historical conclusion. “The presence of disunity…about method of strategy and among the nation’s people, about the rightness of the war aims, makes it impossible for a war of any duration to be fought effectively and won”.
When a nation demonstrates its disunity, when leaders of same nation will not speak to one another [Sir I. Berlin decided not to attend the conference, as he finds speaking to Prime Minister Shamir, useless], when “the presence of disunity” is demonstrated to the world, what other conclusions can be derived, but the impossibility to fight a war
“of any duration”?
The invitation to attend the conference did not necessitate a support to a defined policy. Why, the conference was initiated by both the Likud and the Labor party [who do not see eye to eye in foreign policy – to put it mildly]. Jewish leaders were called upon to come to Israel in tehse most difficult days, to demonstrate their solidarity with the State of Israel. My country, right or wrong. And some honorable leaders of British Jewry – in protest – deny Israel this demonstration of support; declaring to the world that Jewish solidarity can be compromised. That the State of Israel is exposed to a new front. “The Jewish Front”.
I will not decline from going to the army, notwithstanding reservations I might have in regard to defense policies. Nor will I refrain from paying taxes, if I disagree with a tax law. Jewish leaders were obliged to come to Israel and unite with us, when called to do so, regardless of their disagreements with the government.
These leaders failure to do so – in protest – is a challenge to our partnership. If we adopt the same policy and will refuse to go to the army, we will bring about the destruction of the State of Israel. I am bound to go to the army when called. Jewish leaders are bound to come to Israel when called. I have no right to refuse. Neither do they.
The empty chair of every Jewish leader is a victory for our enemies. These leaders have acted in gross variance to the interest of the State of Israel, and frankly to the interests of world Jewry. What did Mordechai tell Esther? “For if though altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but…”.
The damage is done, it is our duty to amend. As a great leader once said, “united we stand, divided we fall. Divided we bring back the dark ages, united we keep and guard the world”.

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