יום רביעי, 6 באפריל 2016

Assad and Clinton? Why? January 10th 1994

Assad and Clinton? Why?

Confucius taught us to “study the past, if you would divine the future”

To begin with, we should compare US’s attitude towards leaders. Manuel Noriega and Haffes-el-Assad. The former was ousted militarily, taken from his own country by force and put in jail in Miami. This "in appreciation’’ to his drug trafficking. Assad’s involvement in the “same line of business’’ is no less destructive and involves much more dollars and cents.

The department of State committed a mistake in the past, when it hosted in Washington General Razi Cna’an. General Cna’an was the uncrowned king of Beirut, and is heavily involved, personally and on behalf of Assad and his brother Rifat, in the multi billion dollars drug trafficking from Lebanon to Europe and the USA.

The US initiated Desert Storm when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Yet the Western world failed to see the similarities between Iraq vs. Kuwait and Syria vs. Lebanon. In his book Stalin and Hitler Parallel lives, Alan Bullock describes the ‘peaceful conquest’ of Eastern Europe, this, with the acquiescence of the West. Stalin succeeded diplomatically, where Hitler failed militarily. Saddam Hussain used military force and – like the Fuhrer before him – failed to satisfy his desire [alas, unlike Hitler, he survived]. Assad utilized diplomacy with military force, and like Stalin, he gained the upper hand. That is why in Beirut Airport the pictures of two presidents welcome you. President Eliass Harawi and Haffes-el-Assad. As the Syrian foreign Minister stated “Syria and Lebanon are one state”.

Lord Bullock points to a conclusion arrived at by Hitler “from his Viennese days…One was, the ease with which the masses could be manipulated by skillful propaganda”. Assad new better. Notwithstanding his support to world terrorism [Syria is still listed as a Terrorist supporting country by the USA], notwithstanding his ‘’business activities”, notwithstanding his record in Human rights [he annihilated most of the city of Hamma men women and children], world leaders pay their respect to him. He developed Hitler’s understanding [He had a good teacher, Hitler’s deputy, Martin Borman who found shelter in Damascus]. He manipulated world leaders.

It is wrong to assume that Saddam is to be ousted by force and Assad welcomed as a world leader. It is incorrect to trial Noriega but to play host to Assad.

President Clinton should set standard of morality. Morality and fairness call for Clinton to avoid Assad. Syria should have new leadership before it is welcomed back to the family of nations. Just as much as Iraq is awaiting the same result.

Zalli Jaffe. 

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