יום שישי, 18 בנובמבר 2016

Letter To Financial Times - August 27th 2009

Dear Editors;

Both your editorials about Israel and Prime Minister Natanyahu of 26th August are – with respect – dangerously one sided and avoid the real challenges facing Israel faces. President Obama’s claim that the issue of settlement is the obstacle for negotiations is grossly misleading and represents a gross misjudgment [also let us remember that his Secretary of State tied to connect this issue of the settlements and US approach to Iran]. Israel, vacated every inch of Gaza, tens of thousands of settlers were removed. In response Israel was faced with seven years of “umbrellas” of all kinds of missiles.  No negotiations, no recognition, and efforts to kill within Israel. When Israel – after seven years[!] – retaliated, it was found the villain.

Both your articles challenge Israel’s policy of not surrounding the issue of settlements. What about the Palestinians? What efforts are they to make? The blockades one editorial condemns are just to make Palestinian life miserable? For the fun of it? Why, hundreds of Israelis killed and thousands wounded in terror attacks originated in the West Bank was not a consideration?

Security Barrier West Bank

In today’s news story the [27th August] FT claims that once the issue of settlements is resolved, the peace process will continue. Negotiations were alive before Obama made an issue with just one element of the negotiations. And “He who does not remember the past is condemn to repeat it”. Israel did not freeze settlements. It destroyed and vacated them. And the negotiations? Missiles for 7 years.
If Israel is pressed one sided, you will find a new version of Afghanistan [you are very close to doing so in Gaza]. How many solders will the UK send to Gaza then? Be more objective now, stop demanding one sided demands from Israel, and you will send none.

Evidently the FT is of the opinion that the Palestinians do not have to show credibility. Why, none of the editorials even hinted about it. The Palestinians are serious. Are they? Objectivity, sir,  makes  good journalism. Very good indeed.

Zalli Jaffe

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