יום שני, 22 בפברואר 2016

Letter to the Sunday Times – November 9th 2006

Letter to the Sunday Times – November 9th 2006

Dear Sir,

As an Israeli, I found the tragedy in Gaza devastating, and the Israeli Government’s offer to treat the wounded in Israeli hospitals, the minimum we can do to ease the dreadful pain. Indeed, it is a tragic mistake, with dreadful consequences. But unfortunately TV stations shoe the pictures of the wounded children, not the root of the problem. The Hammas uses residential areas [yes, residential areas] from where to shoot rockets to Israel proper, this after Israel vacated Gaza.

This reflecting Hammas’s policy, mirrored alia in a statement by Razi Hammad: - Israel is to be wiped out from the map”. 1000[!] Kassam missiles were shot at residential areas in pre 1967 Israel from Beith Hanun after Israel vacated Gaza. Just as the Hizbullah used residential places from where it shot Haifa.

So as an Israeli let me tell you, if you go to sleep with a Kassam do not be surprised not to be awake the next morning. US and UK forces were fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq devastating innocent people. The UN forces in Bosnia harmed so many civilians in this cursed part of Europe. This is not Israeli policy. Israel vacated Gaza so the Palestinians can have safe rule, develop the lives of the Palestinians in this poorest of places in the Middle East so they can have better lives. But if in lieu of fighting poverty they try to kill citizens in Ashkelon and Shderot, then, yes, Israel will retaliate. And yes, there will be mistakes. And yes, innocent people, tragically might get killed, and yes it is an appalling sight, and yes it is Hammas’s fault, because they use the children as shields, they use houses in Gaza from where to shoot at Israel.

Israeli Children Taking Cover from a Hammas Missile

The world – including Israel – should weep for the innocent, but the world should condemn and fight Hammas. This is a terrorist organization who will expose many Palestinians to grave risks so then can kill Jews, sometimes as Shahids, and sometimes replacing the ''commanders'' who hide behind the skirts of women.

Zalli Jaffe. 

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