The UN
Mr. Ban Ki-moon is an experienced diplomat. In the past he served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of his country - South Korea - with practical and academic preparations; he studied at the Kennedy School of Government in Harvard. Threatened by a bullying neighbor, his efforts to come to terms with North Korea failed to meet expectations. Alas, Mr. Ban [that is his last name] was appreciated enough to be considered and then elected on 1st January, 1997, to the office of the Secretary General of The United Nations. Indeed, coordinating the diplomacy of this 192 states’ organization is a challenge. The position of the Secretary General is to be as neutral as possible.
Neutral as possible, of course, unless it comes to Israel.
The Secretary General insists that an International inquiry should study the Gaza flotilla incident. He is not satisfied with the committee formed by Israel. Well let us see. On how many international investigations did the Secretary General insist during his tenure? How many incidents occurred that are somehow more serious than the provocative Gaza flotilla?
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Ban Ki-Moon - UN Secretary General |
There are hundreds killed every day now in Kyrgyzstan, but the UN has no interest. How many innocent people were killed in Iraq by US or UK bombing? Inquiry? Be serious. I do not recall any international inquiry after the abusing by US Military personal of Iraqi prisoners imprisoned in the infamous AbuGhraib prison in Iraq in 2003[1]. Why is the honorable Mr. Ban not demanding an international inquiry about the accusation that Hizzbulla and Hammas are shielding ammunition and rocketing Israel from hospitals, schools, concentrated residential neighborhood? The Hammas is acting against international law by denying Gilad Shalit his human rights of meeting with the Red Cross. Any international inquiry? And if we refer to Hammas, is anybody demanding an investigation about the 7 years of rocketing Israel from Gaza? Any newspaper relates to it independently of Israel’s actions? When Russian forces invaded Georgia with pretexts and many innocent people fell victim in August 2008, nobody demanded to know what exactly happened. How many investigations took place relating to England and its army’s behavior in Ireland during the 70th and 80th?
Oh yes, and of course. Slavery is against international Law. Unless it is committed in Saudi Arabia. No, chopping the heads of adulterers or accusing a raped woman for being responsible for her own agony and committing her to lashes does not stop the queen of England of hosting the primitive king of that country. Because international law or morality is important, but not as important as business considerations. And when morality conflicts with diplomacy, well, diplomacy must prevail. Unless it has to do with Israel.
The list is to long to be conclusive. But is it not a challenge to integrity to demand of Israel standards that do not apply to any other nation? In my dictionary it is called hypocrisy. And yes, the fact that some newsman and politicians in the West are the “front runners” in demanding an international investigation vis-à-vis Israel but are mute when it comes to much more serious and blood shedding incidents around the world; the fact that people actually are taking Prime Minister Putin’s condemnation of Israel in this matter seriously and not mocking him, reminds me of how serious the world took Germany and how fast the West was in condemning Czechoslovakia, which condemnation brought about the Munich agreement followed by World War II. Yes, Hammas was elected democratically. So was Hitler.
I do not hesitate to say. Israel is the solder in the front protecting Western and Judeo-Christian civilization against terror and being conquered by extreme Islam. As Dennis Ross and David Makovsky in their latest book Myths, illusions and Peace: Finding a New Direction For America In The Middle East. Concluded, Israel is the stabilizing factor in the Middle East. Unfortunately, some idiots in the West stab these solders in the back, not understanding that - as Jose Maria Aznara, former Spanish prime minister said recently – “If Israel goes down, we all go down”.
Just think. What a change our daily life took because of terror. How many terrorists are not Muslims? Where did all national terrorists in the past [the German Beider Beinhoff, The Italian Red Brigade, The Japanese Red Army, The Spanish Basques, The Irish IRA] developed their terrorists skills? All In the Palestinian refugees camps in Lebanon under the “patronage” of The PLO. As one – not Jewish – biographer of Yssir Arafat once wrote “to talk about world terrorism and not to talk about the PLO is like talking about the blood circulation and not to talk about the heart”.
Why are so many in The West so tolerant towards those who are after their blood and lack so much tolerance vis-à-vis those who keep them alive is beyond me. But if 9/11 did not open their eyes; so who am I to try?
Zalli Jaffe
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